Como subir tú juego y jugarlo desde DROPBOX

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Published on 4 May, 2014. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

How to upload and play your game from DROPBOX

1 export the game as html5

Previamente debemos tener instalado DROPBOX en nuestro equipo.

2 while we export go to dropbox icon and choose the " DROPBOX FOLDER " option there look for a folder called " Public" , within this we have to create the folder that will save the game.

3 Once exported the game we chose the " destiantion OPEN FOLDER" option, choose it the folder where exported our game opens, select the content and paste it into the folder you created in the "Public" directory within Dropbox folder ( in step 2 ).

4 when the folder is synced , open the folder you created in "Public" again and right click on the "index.html " file and choose the "Share public link " ( doing this is saved in the Likn memory where you can play the game , with this can paste into Facebook, send the link by mail or use it wherever you want.

Thanks for reading tutorial

Greetings from Chile !!!


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