How to collaborate on Construct projects with GitHub

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Published on 1 Apr, 2020. Last updated 29 Jan, 2025

Set up GitHub

To set everything up on GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. If you don't have one already, create a GitHub account (you can do this for free)
  2. Sign in to your account on the website
  3. Also download and install GitHub Desktop. We'll need it later. You'll need to sign in to that as well once it's installed.

Create a repository

A repository, or repo for short, is like a project on GitHub. It's a set of files that you can push and pull to.

Create a new respository for the project you want to collaborate on. Be sure to set your repository to private if you don't want to share it with the whole world. Public repositories are generally used for open-source projects (which your Construct project can be too, if you want it to be). Note there may be limits on how many private repositories or collaborators you can have for free - for up-to-date information see GitHub's pricing page.

Once you've created the repository, some instructions appear for how to set up the repository. The easiest way is to use GitHub Desktop, which we downloaded and installed earlier. This provides a visual tool to handle pushing and pulling changes. There should be a button that says Set up in Desktop. Click that, and you should be prompted to open GitHub Desktop. Go ahead and open it. You'll be prompted to pick a folder on your computer for the repository; make sure you choose a new or empty folder, and then click Clone (GitHub's term for creating a working copy). You should now have your repository open in GitHub Desktop. Currently it's empty though, and GitHub Desktop should say No local changes since nothing has changed yet.

Ignored files

When you save a project to a folder, Construct generates a .gitignore file for you to automatically ignore those UI state files we mentioned previously (*.uistate.json). As noted these are specific to you only and you don't want to be submitting changes for them. It also ignores a folder named ts-defs as if you use TypeScript then you probably don't want TypeScript definitions on GitHub either as they are automatically generated by Construct. So you will see a file named .gitignore in your first commit, and it should automatically skip UI state files.

First push

Currently there are no files in the repository. Let's add the first set of files.

In Construct, either open your existing project, or create a new empty project. Then choose MenuProjectSave asSave as project folder...

You'll be prompted to pick a folder to save your project to. Choose the local folder you chose in GitHub Desktop.

Switch back to GitHub Desktop. It should now have automatically updated. Instead of saying No local changes, there should be a list of all the files you just added on the left. (The picture below was taken after saving a new empty project, but if you used an existing project it will list everything in your project.)

The list should include Construct's automatically generated .gitignore file, and thus also exclude all .uistate.json files.

Commit the files

Each change is called a commit. This change is to add our first set of files. Every commit must have a summary, so type something in the summary box like Add first files.

Then click Commit to master. (Master is the default branch, but that's a different topic.)

Your changes won't go to the server until you publish them. This way you can queue up several commits and submit them all in one go. However we only have one commit and we want to send it right away, so click Publish branch. It'll spend a moment uploading your files.

Once you're done, go and look at your GitHub repository on the web again, or reload the page if it's still open. You should see your files there! They are now on the server.

Now you're ready to start working with your team!


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  • I've been waiting for this. Thank you finally!!

  • Very useful tutorial. For those who prefer a video tutorial, I've made one here.

  • As a solo dev hesitant to jump into source control, your tutorial was a game-changer! Now I'm excited to finally integrate it into my workflow and open the door to future collaboration. Thanks for making it so approachable!

  • Very useful and succinct tutorial on using source control via GitHub. thank you.

  • Very cool, when using this though, if I modify the position of an object or add new object etc, changes appear in my GIT commit list. However if I change a tilemap, adding or removing tiles, those changes do not appear in the commit list.

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      • Ashley's avatar
      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
      • 2 points
      • (3 children)

      All changes should appear in your commit list. If changes do not appear, then you have not saved the project, and the changes won't be there when you next open the project either.

      • I've tested a few times, certainly saving the project - if I move an object and save, it appears. If I modify a tilemap and save then nothing appears in the commit list.

        What's interesting is if I edit the tile map and then do something like move an objects position, when I commit the changes the tile map edits are saved. So that data is being captured, its just if I edit the tilemap and do nothing else, git thinks I've made no edits to the project and nothing appears in the commit list.

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          • Ashley's avatar
          • Ashley
          • Construct Team Founder
          • 0 points
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          Tilemap data is saved in the corresponding layout JSON file, so check for changes there. Maybe GitHub Desktop isn't checking there or something, or perhaps you forgot to add the files in the first place.

      • Recorded a quick video showing the issue:

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