Building with Cordova - PART 02 - Build an Android App

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Published on 4 Oct, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Step 7: Make Cordova Aware of the Android SDK!

Before we try to compile for Android, we must tell Cordova where the Android SDK is installed. That's why I advised you to memorize the path where you installed it to. We'll need it now.

7.1 - Go to the Control Panel of your Windows OS, choose System, then System Properties (you may need to click on Advanced System Settings on Windows 7+).

7.2 - Click on the Environment Variables button and create a new system variable. Enter ANDROID_HOME for the name and the SDK installation path for the value.

For instance:

Variable name: ANDROID_HOME

Variable value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk

Click OK on that window and OK many times as needed for the subsequent windows until the Control Panel is closed.


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