Building with Cordova - PART 02 - Build an Android App

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Published on 4 Oct, 2015. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Previous Tutorial: Building with Cordova - PART 01 - Setting Up

Hello, everyone.

This is the second part of the "Build with Cordova" tutorial series.

In case you haven't gone through the first part yet, here's the link:


Building with Cordova - PART 01 - Setting Up][1].


Just to make things clear, although this is a 10 steps tutorial to build for Android, most of these steps are just required once per project - initially. After that, every time you make changes to your C2 game and export it to the right Cordova folder (See PART 01 for more information on where to export to), you only need to go through two steps here: steps 8 and 10.


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