Now we've defined the functions, we can look at the rest of the event sheet.
When the project starts, we need to map a couple of functions so they can be called later on. When mapping a function, you need to assign a string to the map you want to use and to each function you want to add to that map. In this case, our map is called "AttackFunctions":
System ▶︎ On start of layout
Function▶︎ Map "AttackFunctions" string "PlayerAttack" to PlayerAtt
Function▶︎ Map "AttackFunctions" string "OpponentAttack" to OppAtt
Next up, we need an event to set the HP values in the HP text objects. Because this is a small demo project, we'll be using the Every Tick method – but in a larger project, it's worth having as few things happening every tick as possible.
System ▶︎ Every tick
OppHP ▶︎ Set text to Opponent.HP
PlayerHP ▶︎ Set text to Player.HP
This demo project is controlled using the mouse – press the attack button and it sets off the battle turn. So, an event is needed to trigger these functions:
System ▶︎ Is PlayerTurn
Sub-event Condition
Mouse ▶︎ On Left button clicked on AttackButton
Sub-event Action
Function ▶︎ Call BeginAttackSequence
As this example is staying as simple as possible, the Flash behavior is used to show when the combatants take damage, and trigger when the turn phases end:
Player ▶︎ On Flash ended
Sub-event Condition
System ▶︎ NextAction = "PlayerMove"
Sub-event Action
Function ▶︎ Call PlayerAtt
Sub-event Condition
System ▶︎ NextAction = "EndTurn"
Sub-event Action
Function▶︎ Call EndTurn
These events need to be repeated for the Opponent:
If both of the 'HaveMoved' Booleans are set to true, the 'NextAction' variable is set to "EndTurn" which means when either of the two combatants complete their flash animation, the EndTurn function is called as per the above events.
When one of the combatants hits 0 HP, the battle needs to end.
Player ▶︎ HP ≤ 0
Opponent ▶︎ HP ≤ 0
System ▶︎ Set GameOver to True
System ▶︎ Is GameOver
BattleText ▶︎ Set visibility to Visible
Sub-event Condition
System ▶︎ Compare two values ▶︎ Player.HP > Opponent.HP
Sub-event Action
BattleText ▶︎ Set text to "Player wins!"
Sub-event Condition
System ▶︎ Compare two values ▶︎ Player.HP < Opponent.HP
Sub-event Action
BattleText ▶︎ Set text to "Player loses!"
And that's about all of the events in this project's event sheet! You should now have a simple but functioning turn-based battle demo. This small project should lay the groundwork for something much more complex – it's always handy to start with the basics before trying to build a complicated mechanic.
In the next part of the course, we'll be adding accuracy checks to this system.