Arrays for Beginners

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Published on 23 May, 2012. Last updated 26 Feb, 2019

3-dimensional arrays

A 3-d array is harder to visualize (and draw...) but you might think of it like this:

Another way to look at arrays is: if a 1-d array is a list of cells then in a 2-d array you can imagine that each cell is another list of cells. In a 3-d array, each of those cells is yet another list of cells.

Example use for a 3-dimensional array

If, in our previous example, we wanted to store some more information about the blocks eg. their angles, then we could put that in the z dimension.

We set the size of the array to 4,3,2. Now blocks.At(x,y,0) will store the animation for the block and blocks.At(x,y,1) will store it’s angle.

Further reading

See the manual page for arrays.

See the Arrays section of the

How Do I? FAQ thread for some examples of how to use arrays.



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  • Thank you very much.

    With new version we can change WebStorage plugin to LocalStorage plugin, And use LocalStorage On item "array_save_example" event for set animals when LocalStorage Get item "array_save_example" loaded

    1. btn loadArray on clicked > LocalStorage Get item "array_save_example"

    2. LocalStorage On item "array_save_example" get > animals Load from Json string LocalStorage.ItemValue

    • Took me a while to look down here at this update and figure it out but i got there in the end.

      Any one reading this and struggling try changing the bullet pointed bits first and the rest makes more sense and dont forget to add the JSON plugin.

      Thank You

    • Thanks for trying to provide an update to the Webstorage reference. i'm totally lost from your update however. i'll have to find a more up to date tutorial.

  • Hi, what's going on with second and other pages of this tutorial - it shows just an error...

  • Best writing on arrays

  • Thanks for very good and important topic with detailed explanation

  • Thank u, it helps a lot. 😁😁😁😬😬😬😬