Arrays for Beginners

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Published on 23 May, 2012. Last updated 26 Feb, 2019

2-dimensional arrays

A 2-dimensional array has a width dimension (x) and a height dimension (y). For example, a 5x5 2-dimensional array would look like this:

The index of the top-left cell is (0,0) ie. x = 0, y = 0. The bottom-right cell is (4,4).

Looping, comparing and setting values is done in a similar way except now we need to specify both the x and y indices.

Example use for a 2-dimensional array

2-d arrays are great for representing grids and so they have a lot of uses in 2d games.

Let’s say we have a block sprite with 3 different colour animations. We want to place 12 blocks in a 4x3 grid and give them random colours. Well, we can use a 2-d array to represent the grid and we can set each cell of the array to a random colour.

Then to display our grid, we loop through the array and create a sprite with it’s position based on the current array indices and it’s animation based on the current array value.


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  • Thank you very much.

    With new version we can change WebStorage plugin to LocalStorage plugin, And use LocalStorage On item "array_save_example" event for set animals when LocalStorage Get item "array_save_example" loaded

    1. btn loadArray on clicked > LocalStorage Get item "array_save_example"

    2. LocalStorage On item "array_save_example" get > animals Load from Json string LocalStorage.ItemValue

    • Took me a while to look down here at this update and figure it out but i got there in the end.

      Any one reading this and struggling try changing the bullet pointed bits first and the rest makes more sense and dont forget to add the JSON plugin.

      Thank You

    • Thanks for trying to provide an update to the Webstorage reference. i'm totally lost from your update however. i'll have to find a more up to date tutorial.

  • Hi, what's going on with second and other pages of this tutorial - it shows just an error...

  • Best writing on arrays

  • Thanks for very good and important topic with detailed explanation

  • Thank u, it helps a lot. 😁😁😁😬😬😬😬