Appodeal + Intel XDK (Android Crosswalk) build Error is now solved

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Published on 23 Apr, 2016. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

Hi Friends !

This is my first tutorial, and I am a Beginner in Construct 2


I was getting build log file and struggling with this from 1 month but now i have found a way to sough out this problem


After a lot of discussion with Appodeal Team, and read lots of forum posts, tutorials and over 20-25 different - different testing

removing one plugin, then removing another, then adding another plugin, some changes in file some scripting or coding I have finally found a way to solve this problem

I was reading @BackendFreak Tutorial >>

here i have found that I was exporting files openly and file overwrites

I think most of us are doing same mistake


Lets start

make a folder where you want to export your app & name it what you want i.e. "MyApp"

then make a subfolder and name it "www"

Export your app to Cordova in "www" folder

Now open your app into Intel XDK

Add Appodeal Modified plugin >>>

you don't need to have any another plugin

Now Open "MyApp" folder

now open "intelxdk.config.additions" xml file in your favorate editor or you can open in intel XDK too

Ctrl + A & del everything

and paste below codes

<preference name="debuggable" value="false" />

<intelxdk:crosswalk xwalk-command-line="--ignore-gpu-blacklist" />

<intelxdk:crosswalk xwalk-command-line="--disable-pull-to-refresh-effect" />

<preference name="CrosswalkAnimatable" value="false" />

save this file Ctrl + S

make your appropriate settings like giving app details etc

now just do build apk

and this time your app will build successfully

Thanks friends

if your find any wrong pls comment


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