Algorithm Plugin

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Published on 1 Mar, 2013. Last updated 19 Feb, 2019

The Algorithm object is a very simple plugin that allows one to easily create algorithms. Algorithms are essentially flowcharts.

I created this tiny plugin for my own reasons but distributed it for all to use. I require nothing in return. If you have feature requests, please submit those, along with any questions, in the comment box below. It is at my discretion whether I will implement any requests.

Please be careful with your algorithms. There is the possibility of endless looping if done improperly! (resulting in a crash)

Here is the classic example of an algorithm. Feel free to compare it with Euclid's flowchart found on the 'Algorithm' entry on Wikipedia. Do note that algorithms are not required to be put into functions, but it does naturally lend itself to it. "node2" exists merely to demonstrate the set node placement possibilities.


Recall node

The node to recall to. Make sure that this action is the last on the list. Again, anything below the recall node action will only run after the algorithm has returned a value! If the node does not exist, the action will do nothing.


Set node

This condition always returns true. It is merely there to set up a node so a later action can recall back there. Because Set node is always true, irrelevant of other conditions in the sub-event, the action within that sub-event will also run. It can be placed as a intermediate sub-event between its parent and child or, for example, under Else.

For the children of a Set node condition, always have its condition be paired with an Else condition. Crazy things may happen if there is the possibility of both conditions returning true! Lastly, make sure that the node strings are unique in its event sheet (and includes).


LastNode expression

Will return the string value of the last node that has been recalled. If no node has been recalled, it will return "".


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  • Hi, I have a question. So, im trying to make a snake ai for a maze game im developing. I tried looking everywhere and asking in the forums about how to make my snake move in the mazes on a strict line path, but no answers. I did research on youtube videos of people using algorithms to make their snake Ai, but it's only script coding and Im not familiar with script coding yet. So I stumbled across your plugin. I want to know can I make a whole snake body that will move through the mazes to locate the player if I do use this plugin? Please reach out to my email as well to discuss more if your not sure what im asking you.