RIGHT walk sprite
LEFT walk sprite will be same
JUMP sprite above
Now you have four animations and you must remember to NAME them properly so when we come to coding it will be easy. I have named these animations as:
Now you must be wondering what is SAID_ means? Well it stands for
Sprite Animation Identity (ID)
Add Platform, Scrollto, and flash behaviour for player. Also create Instance Variable and call it Player_DIR and text “IDLE” your player property should look like below:
Ok lock player layer and add another layer call Enemy_Monster and drag it below player layer. Add this sprite strip.
As before you import above sprite as strip but this time enter
Horizontal = 4
Vertical =4
For enemy we only need 4
These four frames name it as SAID_WALK.
Add Platform behaviour for Enemy
You will need 4 Instance variables as follows:
State_Ofenemy = 0
Speed_ofenemy = 150
isenemy_OnGround = 0
DIR_Ofenemy = Walking