Расширенные функции листа событий Construct 2

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Published on 28 Mar, 2016. Last updated 25 Feb, 2019

Construct 2 предлагает несколько продвинутых функций листов событий. Они могут позволить опытным пользователям сделать большую часть системы событий, что позволяет более сложную логику, чем возможно при стандартных событиях. В этом руководстве приведены особенности событий, которые предназначены для расширенного использования или работают иначе, чем обычные события, с некоторыми советами и рекомендациями.

Данный туториал предназначен для опытных пользователей. Будьте уверены, что вы прочитали How Events Work, если вы это ещё не сделали, т.к. это руководство построено на этих основах.

Специальные условия

Объект System имеет три условия, которые работают иначе, чем остальные. Для большей информации, просмотрите system conditions in the manual.

Trigger once while true

Это условие преобразует продолжающееся условие в триггер. Это тестирует "Если событие не сработало в предыдущий тик". Обычно, это поставлено последним условием в событии, потому-что, если это первое событие, это будет немедленно обработано и никогда не удовлетворят тест.

Ставить Trigger once хорошо для проигрывания звуков. Рассмотрим следующее событие:

Это общая ошибка - помните, это событие проигрывается каждый тик, это около 60 раз в секунду на большинстве компьютеров - и в результате, звук проигрывается продолжительно, пока жизни игрока равны 0. Часто результат звука ужасен. Вместо этого, мы хотим проигрывать звуковой эффект один раз, когда жизни игрока равны 0. Добавление Trigger once Достигает этого:

Сейчас, звук проигрывается в первое время, когда health достигает 0. Это не будет проигрываться до того, как health изменится на что-нибудь другое, затем заного упадёт в 0, когда это будет играть одиночный звук.


A useful trick is to put Trigger once by itself in a group of events:

If the group is being enabled and disabled during the game, this will run the event once when the group is enabled. It acts as a sort of "On group enabled" trigger.

Pick all

As described in How Events Work, events typically work by filtering instances that don't meet the conditions. A subset of instances are left which meet all the conditions, then the actions run on those instances.

Pick all is the only condition which works in reverse: it restores all objects, so subsequent conditions pick from all instances again. It is difficult to come up with a simple intuitive example of this, but it can be useful for advanced users having to deal with deeply nested subevents where it is convenient to reset the picked objects.


The Else event runs if the previous event did not run. It cannot be placed after a trigger, and must be the first condition in the event. If the Else is not in the right place, it will appear red indicating you must move it, as shown below. You cannot preview or export your project if Else conditions are in the wrong place, since the logic does not make sense.

A common place Else is useful is when toggling a flag or variable. Often new users make the following mistake to toggle a variable, in this case when pressing Space:

Notice how if MyFlag is 0 it is set to 1, but then the next event immediately sets it back to 0 again, because MyFlag is equal to 1! (This is where the order of events is important: remember events run top-to-bottom.) This event does not have the intended effect and MyFlag remains 0 no matter how many times Space is pressed.

One solution is to set MyFlag to 1 - MyFlag. However, this only works for numbers, and is not always very readable. Else can solve the problem:

Now pressing Space correctly toggles MyFlag between 0 and 1, because the Else only runs if the previous event did not.

Pressing X is a keyboard shortcut to add an Else event after the currently selected event.

Note Else does not pick any objects. It literally just means "last event did not run". Consider the following example:

The intent may be to make monsters on-screen rotate toward the player, and make the rest point downwards at 90 degrees. There are two problems with this. Firstly, the Else event will not run at all if any monsters are on-screen, since then the first event has run so the Else does not run. Secondly, even if the Else event does run, it does not specifically pick monsters which are offscreen: it affects all monsters, because it does not pick instances. In this case, it is better to simply replace the Else with an inverted Is on-screen condition, as shown below. This will have the intended effect on instances on and offscreen.

Else can also be chained in to "Else-if" blocks by adding extra conditions to the Else event, and then adding another Else event after that. This is shown below.

This can be read:

If ItemCount is 0: set text to "You have no items!"

Else if ItemCount is 1: set text to "You have one item!"

Else: set text to "You have lots of items!"

This mimics else-if chains in programming languages.

While loops

Another interesting system condition is the While loop. The other loops (repeat, for, for-each) are relatively straightforward, but While works slightly differently and so deserves its own mention.

While runs the event infinitely until either:

- a condition following it becomes false, or

- the Stop loop system action is used.

Most commonly it will be used with a condition following it, like so:

This will keep moving the player 1 pixel up until it no longer is overlapping 'Ground'. It happens instantly, so will repeat as many times as it needs to until 'Is overlapping Ground' becomes false.

Be careful not to accidentally create infinite loops. If the condition never becomes false during the loop, or the 'While' condition is used on its own without a 'Stop loop' action, it will hang while it loops forever.

'And' blocks vs. 'Or' blocks

Normal events use 'And' logic: all conditions must be met for the actions to run. In other words, "condition 1 AND condition 2 AND condition 3..." must be true. In contrast, 'Or' blocks run for any of their conditions that are true. In other words, they run if "condition 1 OR condition 2 OR condition 3..." are true. Consider the following example:

The intent here is to stop any monster which is left of X=500 or above Y=500. In this case, if any instances meet either condition, the event runs. The instances picked for the event will be those matching either condition.

Note how in ordinary 'AND' blocks, subsequent conditions filter out instances not meeting the event - progressively reducing the number of picked instances. In contrast, 'OR' blocks add instances meeting the event - progressively increasing the number of picked instances.

By default event blocks are the normal 'And' type. They can be toggled to and from 'Or' blocks by right-clicking the event margin and selecting Make 'Or' block, or pressing the Y keyboard shortcut.

Normally, only one trigger can be placed in an event. However, this does not apply to 'Or' blocks. Multiple triggers can be added to an 'Or' event, and the actions will run when any of the triggers in the event fire. For example, below shows an event which plays a sound if either the A, B or C keys on the keyboard are pressed:

Note that since normal ('And') blocks cannot contain multiple triggers, this event cannot be turned back in to an 'And' block until all but one of the triggers are deleted.

Using subevents, you can combine 'Or' blocks with 'And' blocks to create more advanced logic. For example:

This will play a sound on pressing A, B or C, so long as either Control or Shift are also held down. Alternatively: "If (A pressed OR B pressed OR C pressed) AND (Control is down OR Shift is down): play sound".

If the second event was not an 'Or' block, it would read "Control is down AND shift is down". Therefore, a sound would play if you hold down Control + Shift and press A, B or C. Alternatively: "If (A pressed OR B pressed OR C pressed) AND (Control is down AND Shift is down): play sound". So using subevents can help you make more advanced conditional logic.

Other useful advanced features

Unique IDs (UIDs) and Instance IDs (IIDs)

UIDs and IIDs are often useful to advanced users for advanced instance picking.

A UID can be used as a "reference" to an object. A UID can be stored in a variable and the object later picked with the Pick by Unique ID condition.

IIDs can be used to retrieve specific instance's expressions. For example, Sprite(1).X will return the second Sprite's X co-ordinate (since Construct 2 uses zero-based indices). For more information see Object expressions in the manual entry on expressions. IIDs can also be used to pick instances using the Pick Nth instance system condition, but beware that an IID is not a permanent reference to an object: for that a UID should be used instead.

For more information, see UIDs and IIDs in the manual.

Most advanced of all...

If you have previous programming experience or just want to take it to the next level, you can use the Javascript SDK to write your own plugins and behaviors for Construct 2. The overview page has a list of links to help you learn Javascript.


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