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Integrated Web Fonts in Construct 3
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One area with major improvements in Construct 3 is support for web fonts . These are downloadable custom fonts often used in web pages, but also usable in HTML5...

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How do I get Google Fonts in my game?
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In C2 you could use Google Fonts as web fonts but C3 doesn't support this and requires a file to import? Is there no way to download the Google fonts? I could o...

posted 5 years ago
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"Set web font" action fails if font is outside viewport
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The set web font action fails under certain circumstances. The font doesn't load right resulting in any other text objects applying the referenced font, using t...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I use imported webfont for button text (CSS)?
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I imported a webfont but you can't set the text for form elements in properties. You need to use CSS but how can I set a webfont as font for a button, input fie...

posted 4 years ago
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Web-font is glitched with certain numbers
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I'm not sure what's causing this but, I downloaded a font from Google Fonts called "Gochi Hand". In my game, I load it with the "set webfont" action on a textbo...

posted 3 years ago
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aligning text in container
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Is there a way to define which object in a container is created first? In my case the buttons and the labels share a container, but no matter which one I create...

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