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An endless vertical platformer
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This tutorial explains a process for making an endlessly falling mechanic using the platform behavior. The gameplay is something like Downwell.

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How to make vertical scroll?
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How do I make vertical scroll? Please go through the attached c3p. I'm relatively new to this C3 world, Could you please help me to crack the basics scrolling?...

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Player moves when collides with solid. Why?
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I have a problem with the camera for a vertical Shooter. I have a player (duck) with 8-direction Movement. And I also have a camera like this: Now, I want to do...

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Parsec - Gameboy Jam game entry (vertical shoot em up)
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I've finished my first game. I have been working on a large project, but decided to join in with #GBJAM8 on Itch.Io, and created this vertical shoot em up calle...

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I really hope anybody can help me out? At the moment we have finished a game in the Construct 2 engine which will run embedded in a Ad slot on a webpage (both m...

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