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How do i set text for each loop all data in firebase?
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I can only load 1 parent at Firebase and all it item, how do I load them all and make newline for each item?

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How do I display a certain amount of text?
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I want to make text that spans over three lines, but can be more than three lines of text. So the message: "This is a test on how the text box is going to displ...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I get a sprite font to be visible upon creation?
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I have a sprite font that I am creating on a function call, but, if no sprite font of the same type exists already within the scene, the sprite font doesn't app...

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How do I delete first line of text in the text object?
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I have a text object in my project and I have putted in it some information. It looks like "first line"&newline&"second line". How can I erase all text until th...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I Change Text Direction?
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Is there a way to change text direction (right to left) in the Text plugin? It'd be nice if the Typewriting direction could be controlled as well. I am using Te...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I append text with the typewriter effect?
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Hello there, I was just wondering if any of you had an idea how I should go about appending the text so that it continues to typewrite. All the best, Hayden.

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"No Save" behavior in some texts makes them disappear.
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Has anyone ever seen this happening? In a file with many texts with "No Save", some stay the same after a save/load, but some disappear. I still get their opaci...

posted 5 years ago
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Does Text Object use TAB formatting?
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Is there a way to use TABs in Text Objects so that I can format variable text lengths and make fixed columns?

posted 5 years ago
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Issue with space and BBcode with Safari/IOS
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I'm using a font that I just realized have an issue on Iphone: After my BBCode color exit tags, there's no space and the words are glued together. Here is the k...

posted 5 years ago
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Text Input box?
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How to set the text to "vertical" into Input box ?

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