Content tagged local-variable

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I created a local variable called `rslt` in the function. I thought this would work the same as a function called `num` that the function takes as a parameter....

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Acessing local variables via script
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How do I access a local variable from a group in a piece of script? I can do it with global vars with: Runtime.GlobalVars.Varname; How can I do something simila...

posted 3 years ago
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Hey all. I asked a question about increasing the value of a global variable and it was resolved. Now I'm curious how to increase the value of a local instance v...

posted 3 years ago
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local variables overwritten inside one event
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I have made a CAPX of a larger example inside a game to demonstrate a problem. If I touch one of the sprites, the sprites instance variable is stored in a local...

posted 3 years ago
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I am struggling with retrieving an local instance variable, called "myScore" upon a collision of a bullet with that one to add it to a global score display. Wha...

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