Forum Topics tagged instance-variable

A variable defined in a class for which each instantiated object of the class has a separate copy, or instance.

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I need help with the progress bar in level 1. I want the player to collide with the food and for each collision I want the bar to decrease by 1 (I set the maxim...

posted 4 years ago
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In my game, a general HUD object is the same for all NPCs. However, this object has 3 different animations/frames and each NPC has its own instance variable (wi...

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How do I detect bbcode in a string?
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I was having some trouble with the typewriter in an RPG I'm working on. The typewriter types with the same delay between every character. But if there's BBCode...

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Stumped: Instance Variables only sync for Host Player
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I've been fighting this for a bit: I have a mechanic in my game where the main weapon has a "warm up" between click and actually firing, and a "cool down" after...

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How to improve the use of variables?
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I have learned some things about instance variables and global ones but I think I am still at a very basic level, I have seen people do very cool things, they u...

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How do I return a value to a sprite instance variable?
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I'm making a quiz game and I'm stuck in this problem. I have a sprite that works as a button with instances variable that sets the level of the game, the number...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I export my game?
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On start layout I want to execute a loop for each of two (or more) existing instances of a text object that each represent a swipe menu. This loop starts a seco...

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How do I use string instance variables to anchor logic?
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If I have SPRITE1 and it has an instance variable 'varX' that's of type string, for some reason I'm not able to set logic around different strings that could po...

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New to the software, learning the ropes. In this code I've set the Enemy to Punch if the attackOdds are less than 5. However, I'd like this number to be differe...

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Why aren't these variables applying?
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Just trying to spawn an enemy with some variables being applied to its Instance Variables. The result I'm getting is that they're all coming out as 0 when the e...

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