Content tagged drawing-canvas

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DrawingCanvas was an awesome addition to C3, but there are too many limitations and things that can be improved. Here is the copy of this post on the feature su...

posted 5 years ago
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How do I split up an image into 40+ polygons?
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I'm looking to turn 1 image into a lot of smaller pieces, based on color. Example: Here's what should happen to this image: - Split up tiny polygon based on col...

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Does anyone know how I can draw this box using drawing canvas? Is it possible? The reason I want to use drawing canvas and not just a sprite is because I'll nee...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I draw a smooth line(drawing canvas)?
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Looking for some advice for drawing smooth lines with the canvas plugin I'm currently using this. But the lines have lots of gaps in them, the slower I move the...

posted 4 years ago
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How do I use DrawCanvas for replacing paster (rojohound)?
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So I have bought a jigsaw puzzle a longe time before and I need to upgrade my project which includes this game to c3 runtime to use new and stable functionaliti...

  • 12 replies
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I am looking to create an app where you can upload your composited drawings. So far my thinking goes as follows: 1. When you click the "Upload" button, you save...

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Is it possible to save a DrawingCanvas and insert it back into the DrawingCanvas? I know it's possible to load the data into a sprite through either Save Drawin...

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I did see an old post on drawing a thin solid line - Any updates on this? The links are old and no longer available. When I draw a line using this method OR the...

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Load BinaryData to Dictionary?
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Is there any way to load BinaryData (DrawingCanvas image) to Dictionary and load it into a sprite? To go a little deeper, is the value BinaryData.GetBase64? Not...

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How do I get a pixel value from a DrawingCanvas?
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I have a DrawingCanvas instance which I use to let the player draw on it. I would like to manipulate the individual pixels of the DrawingCanvas instance through...

posted 4 years ago