Beta versions are not as thoroughly tested as stable
Event sheet animations; new framerate mode property; improved theme performance; lots of bug fixes
04 November, 2019 ()
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This release adds support for expand/collapse animations in the Event Sheet View (providing the browser supports it and UI animations is enabled in settings). This is just a bit of polish that helps visualise what's changing when you expand or collapse a group or a set of sub-events. Other refinements in this release include further adjustments to ensure good performance in the light/dark editor themes, a fix for a long-standing issue handling behavior triggers, and adding control over the exact Android version code on export. As ever there's a batch of other bug fixes too.
There's also a new Framerate mode property in the Advanced section of Project Properties. Normally Construct ticks the engine and draws a frame every time the display refreshes (i.e. V-synced rendering). There are now two new possible modes:
• Unlimited (ticks only): ticks the engine as fast as possible, but still only draws a frame every time the display refreshes. This helps with measuring CPU performance, such as seeing fast your events can run.
• Unlimited (full frames), which both ticks the engine and draws a frame as fast as possible (although new frames will still only visually appear when the display refreshes). This helps with measuring the performance of the full engine, doing everything it would normally do every frame but as fast as possible.
Both modes are useful for performance testing, and also testing your game is correctly designed to handle delta-time and framerate independence, since it forces a different framerate.
These modes normally drive the system resources to their maximum, and will cause maximum battery drain on mobile devices, so you should only use these for testing and not publish your game with them. (Accordingly a warning will be shown if you try to export with these settings.) However they should be interesting extra options for testing purposes.
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Launch r174
New Additions
Event sheet view: expand/collapse animations for events
'Framerate mode' project property, allowing uncapped framerate
New 'Camera average color' scripting example
Android export: option to edit version code on export
Warning on export if the project version would result in an unexpected version code
Bug Fixes
Behavior triggers ignored the specific behavior
Timelines & Tweens: now supports savegames
Timeline bar: crash when using the search bar in the pick property dialog
Timeline bar: crash using the main menu option to toggle the timeline bar on and off
Animations Editor: fix rounding errors converting between RGB and HSL color spaces
Animations Editor: resizing aligned center could result in a blurry image
Animations Editor: prevent clicks taking place on menus from affecting elements below them (regression in r173)
Tilemap Bar: possible crash when the toolbar becomes inactive
Audio: 'Seek to' and 'Set playback rate' actions may not have worked immediately after a 'Play' action
Memory leak repeatedly saving state (C2 runtime only)
Firefox: crash when dragging keyframes/time markers in Timeline Bar
Edge: possible crash using image rectangle select tool or while scrolling event sheet (regression in r173)
Performance Improvements
Improve editor performance showing/closing dialogs in light & dark themes
SDK updates
Change 'color2' to be an allowed shader uniform since some effects appear to already use it
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