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Encrypt and decrypt data
Access Steam features in the Windows WebView2, macOS WKWebView, and Linux CEF exporters. Requires r407.2+ for Windows, r417+ for macOS, and r412+ for Linux.
Draw Quad with arbitrary vertices, but funky texturing.
Allows you to manage clipboard data- copy text to clipboard or get current clipboard text
Add 3D models with animation using the gltf/glb model format
Flood fill for Tilemaps
Parallax Mapping using depth map
Adjust image colors using Hue, Saturation and Brightness.
Vertical Box Blur with settable blur strength (supports webGL and webGPU) use together with Box Blur Horizontal
Basic Plugin for integrating Kongregate's Leaderboard. This plugin supports C2 and C3 runtimes so you can add it to any of your projects. Check out my other HTML5 helpful plugins.
FlameBall effect, ported from
New addon features: Leaderboard or Score transfer or Chat App group (Supported platforms: Android and iOS)
Procedural Starfield generation based on @CasualEffects's shader
Allows you to load different remote images for each instance of a single object and store loaded image to Local Storage.
Simple-keyboard is a virtual keyboard for Javascript that is lightweight and customizable.