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Get User's IP Address, Country, Timestamp, and other Cloudflare CDN-CGI Trace Data from
Turn any sprite into a cursor
Rainbow Shimmer
You can show helpful articles, videos, and web resources inside of your app. Users can view web pages without leaving your app.
Get and create motivational quotes. Shows a motivation quote when you launch Construct 3. Provide a random motivational quote in your personal project.
Official dark theme colors to red/brownish
Automatically reloads your scripts when using a folder based project
Display a 'media' notification with play/pause, previous, next buttons, allowing the user to control the play. Handles headset events (plug, unplug, headset button).
[ Joe7 Call JS ] a plugin for executing Javascripts in runtime.
Cordova plugin for Firebase In-App Messaging
Send Message/Embed With Discord Webhook
Monetize your HTML5 games with (Construct 3 plugin for the GameMonetize SDK)
C3 Scorm plug-in ported to C3 runtime with added C3 Preview mode support (no worker mode support)
Cordova plugin for retrieving IMEI of the device.
this addon make it fly