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firebase Cloud storage web app
Bloom effect added to @XorDev 's Disk Blur
Set data type, a collection of values without duplicates. Very fast access and deletion of values
Frosted Glass effect (webGL and webGPU)
A better fog than the built in one
Support AdType ( AppOpenAd, Banner Ad, Interstitial Ad Rewarded Ad, MREC Ad) support c3 build service
This plugin could create instance by defined nickname string. It is useful when creating a vary type of instance. I'm not the author of this addon, I just ported it.
2.5D perspective (Z elevation based on Y position on screen)
Make a displayed number gradually increase or decrease, making an impression of a real-time counting.
Applies ordered dithering to a sprite or layer
Launches inapp review dialog.
Makes objects invisible (adjustable), shows chromatic aberration in its silhouette (webGL and webGPU)
Change the color palette by choosing 4 colors, with optional dithering (webGL and webGPU)
Anchor objects to parents or the viewport with more control over constraints
A distortion shockwave effect with chromatic aberration