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Getting the immersive screen size You can use the immersiveWidth and immersiveHeight methods to find out the dimensions of the screen with the system UI hidden, regardless of the current screen state.
Simple RGB split / Chromatic Aberration effect
Wraps a sprites UV coordinates
SpaceTime warping effect with five singularities.
BigBlurH ported from C2 user TheBen
A rim light is placed behind a subject that exposes the outline or rim of the subject with light. This lighting highlights the contours of a subject and creates a dramatic and mysterious effect.
Cordova plugin to set/lock the screen orientation in a common way for iOS and Android. This plugin is based on Screen Orientation API so the api matches the current spec.
This plugin could pause/resume game by set the timescale. I'm not the author of this addon, I just ported it.
BigBlurV ported from C2 user TheBen
Access Epic Games features with the WebView2 export option. Requires r407.2+.
Spark ported from: by sqrt_1
Ripple distortion
Get the input from your console
Connects the VS Code Construct 3 extension
Melt an object in Y direction.