
  • Deprecated addon Deprecated
  • License MIT License
  • Copyright Robert Greenberg. All rights reserved.


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Allows you to work with complex Json objects from your event sheet

Example Files

This example demonstrates all of the major functionality available and how to use it. It is well commented and should serve as a good resource for different use cases.



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  • Great job rhg - it's nice to have a fully featured JSON plugin for the C3 runtime!

  • Hi, dude how you doing?

    i got some bug on your plugin, i just build it on the same platform which is html5. and upload it to my website. it works fine on every platform (pc, android) but ios. it wont load anything on ios browser... i delete your plugin on my project, and it works... hope you can fix this issue, thank you.

  • Hey there. It doesn't work on the latest versions of the Construct 3. Can you please update the plugin?

    • This plugin was deprecated and hasn't been supported for a long time. Ever since Construct added it's own JSON plugin I stopped supporting this and deprecated it. The one supplied by Construct is very good.

  • This is exactly what I needed, I have a quick question.

    I'm pulling in a JSON that has Items:, under that is 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. Under each of those numbers is a bunch of info. Is there a way I can query how many Child nests there are under Items? I'm probably not explaining it well at all.


    • 0
      • Stuff:
      • MoreStuff:
    • 1
      • Stuff:
      • MoreStuff:
    • 2
      • Stuff:
      • MoreStuff:
    • 3
      • Stuff:
      • MoreStuff:
    • 4
      • Stuff:
      • MoreStuff:

    Is there a way to get a count of each of the numbers so I know what the last number is?

    • This plugin is marked as deprecated. all the json functionality you need is available with the built in json plugin for c3. This plugin was created before that existed and is no longer needed.

      • But doesn't the buit in Json plugin require the JSON file to setup in a specific way? I'm pulling data from Youtube API so I can't change how the JSON file is structured.

        I'll dig deeper, thanks.

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  • Hey bro, I have issue with your plugin on desktop Safari. After exporting to HTML5 and upload to the website on desktop safari I got: [Error] Error while parsing the 'sandbox' attribute: 'allow-orientation-lock' is an invalid sandbox flag.

  • hi, again.

    is it possible to load multiple json, without import files and will be import after build? if so, how can i get the specific name of that files to load it on start dynamically?

    • The JSON manager has an action to load a string also. So you could use the built in ajax to get the file at runtime and load the string into the json manager. But make sure to still use the file loaded trigger before using it. Then just use different slots for the different files

  • Hi, nice plugin

    I cannot import a json response without a Array ?

    All my responses i need to "var result = {index: obj};"

    but doing this when i import to Array all values are "object Object"

    • A json file doesn't have to contain an array. It can be as simple or as complex as you need. If you can show me a sample of what you are working with, I can recommend how to work with it.

      • hi there, i really need to store a value from json to an array, its works so fine on editor but i cant access it after build, can you help me?

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      • My ajax response is like this:

        [ { "number": 123456789, "name": "Aparador 350V" } ]

        [ { "number": 123456789, "name": "Aparador 350V" } ]

        [ { "number": 123456789, "name": "Aparador 350V" } ]

        [ { "number": 123456789, "name": "Aparador 350V" } ]

        If i load to Slot i cannot access the data because i dont have a query string to "?[0].number"

        After javascript i can access with "index[0].number"

        AND if i load to array with query index all data inside the array become "object Object"

    • [-] [+]
    • 1
    • 1 points
    • (2 children)
    • it is my mistake , i found the mistake.

    • I will take a look at it. But looking at your example the first things that strikes me is getting a dictionary works by pointing at simple javascript object with properties, not an array. So in that case the query to use with the GetDictionaryFromJsonPath would be something like slot.friendlist[0]. I will look at this to make sure though


      Just tried it with your example and it works fine by loading a dictionary with the following:

      JsonManager.GetDictionaryFromJsonPath("world", "friendlist[0]", "No")

      You could also do something like:

      JsonManager.GetDictionaryFromJsonPath("world", "friendlist[" & str(JsonManager.GetJsonArrayLength("world", "friendlist", "No")-1) &"]", "No")

  • Could you add a condition that tests for when the loop has completed. I.e. its true *after* the last loop item has been processed.

    This would be ideal to trigger post-loop action, such as selecting an element in a listbox, that was filled with the the loop

    thank you,


    • You could just put a condition after the loop that will run as soon as the loop is done. I don't know if you really need an event for this.

      Also for commas in a string I would start1 with an empty string. Then when you try to append to it check if its empty. If its empty just add the string. If it's not empty add a comma first and then the string. Then you never have to worry about having too many commas

    • btw, sometimes its useful to also have a condition that tests true for when the last loop item processes, or even also the one before the last one. This helps customize construction tasks such a creation of json strings, where for last elements one does not add commas anymore.

  • It would be great if there could be additional dictionary like functionality, to construct a json, which can then be obtained via a toJson method.

    In my app, i need to update values in a google sheet. This means constructing an update json string as data for a ajax put call.

    now, the only way to do it is to build the string using concats

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