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Last Update Jul 2023
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Alot of High Quality Glass Sound Effects for your game!

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Hello Dev!

On this Package you'll find 516 different sound effects using glass objects, jar, cups, plates, and much more, you can see the documentation and previews on the link below:


With this package you'll be able to create alot of different sound effects, from windows breaking to large objects, all the sound effects are ready to use it's just implement and use, but if you want with just a few tweaks you can do alot of other stuff like magic and some background noises.

You'll be able to add sound to interface if you want, in a moment where the player grabs a bottle, a jar, a cup, any glass made object.

You'll be able to add sound to footsteps in glass, it's a nice touch after the player breaks a window and pass through that scenario.

You'll be able to add sound when a glass objects fall into the ground .

And Much More! Just let your creativity flow :)

Ease to use:

All the sounds are named and separated in folders, so if you're looking for a glass shard sound just type 'shard' if you're looking for a quick UI sound, just type, 'UI', also, you can see on the documentation all the files by name, making it easier to follow! :D

Helping each other:

Investing on this pack you'll get access to more than 500 files and you'll help me to keep on creating!


If you invest on this package and for some reason the sounds doesn't fit your game or animation you can email me and i'll do my best to help you out! Also, if you have any errors or any problem.

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Buy with us and we will refund 100% of the cost of the asset if it's non-functional or not as described and the author doesn't fix the issue for you in a timely manner.

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File Preview

Preview images have been blurred, resized and watermarked. Audio sample is watermarked and down-sampled
  • $1.62 USD
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    82% off
    Royalty Free use in unlimited commercial greater creative works.
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