Jumping Peak

Jumping Peak is a fun and interesting game full of adventures.

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Jumping Peak is a fun and interesting game full of adventures.

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  • $199 USD

    One copy of this game & source for a single user

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  • 1.0.0

    Released: 26 Sep, 2024

    Initial Release

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Reviews Overview

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Jumping Peak’ will test your skill to maintain the timing while playing the game in each level.

The story line of Jumping Peak is a group of friends who went to the nearby forest for playing.They met an old wise man namely Jenkins who told them about a secret treasure. Then they went to get the Treasure.

Explore the world of fun with a smooth gameplay.In this game Player has to jump above an object timely to live on the game.If the timing goes wrong,the object will collide with players and the player will fall and the game will over .So be wise with the Jump Timing and control your player as required.

You can choose six different characters with six different environments of your choice to experience a wonderful fun journey.

If you like genres such as fun ,adventure or just want to have a good time then this game is for you.

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