Hold Input to Skip Cutscene

Includes 11min video guide. Hold an input button to "fill" up a text object and safely skip cutscenes without annoyances

Includes 11min video guide. Hold an input button to "fill" up a text object and safely skip cutscenes without annoyances

Hold Input to Skip Cutscene

  • $2.49 USD

    Royalty Free use in unlimited commercial greater creative works.

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  • 1.0

    Released: 29 May, 2024

    First release

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A small system which utilizes the user's input to "fill" up a text object. Once the object is filled up it sends a signal which the user can use as he sees fit.

We use this system to allow the player to skip cutscenes in our games.

Contains clean, organized, and well commented code and a video guide with explanations.

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    Construct 3
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  • Latest Release Date
    29 May, 2024
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