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Build and Enable the latest UnityAds Version into your construct 2 games or apps.
It took my attention recently that builds from Construct 2 Apps with the old UnityAds2 plugin are no longer accepted by google. Some one ask for an update and here it is.
This is not for the faint of hearts, but if you still using Construct 2 then this Unity Ads plugin enables the integration of Unity Ads video ads into your construct 2 games or apps in a way that both increases player engagement and puts more money in your pocket over the gamer’s lifetime. Unity Ads offers the highest Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) of any global rewarded video ad network.
The Bad news first:
Am really sorry, but unfortunately UnityAds2 its no longer free. If you have used UnityAds2 plugin before and what to continue your developments under Construct 2 without risking of start the project again. Or you just don't want to move over to Construct 3, this is your solution. It wont be cheap, but your time its money!
The Good news:
If you acquire this new plugin, I will include the UnityAdsX for Construct 3 in your purchase. That in the case that you want to join us on that new adventure.
Go and create a new account and project for the desire platform in UnityAds portal
Insert the UnityAds Plugin in your project
Fill the UnityAds properties with the info acquired on Step 1 and detailed next.
Please read carefully the Unity Monetization Services Terms of Service. And most important: DON'T CLICK ON YOUR OWN APP ADS. Don't said I haven't warn You!
Buy with us and we will refund 100% of the cost of the asset if it's non-functional or not as described and the author doesn't fix the issue for you in a timely manner.