zzulian's Forum Posts

  • Hi.

    I implemented the Date Format by Steven Levithan to Construct 2 Plugin.

    With this plugin You can get formatted string from data timestamp Ex.

    if you type in format "m/dd/yy" (without quotes) you get month(1-12)/day(01-31)/year(01-99) (other format types is on Date Format website: http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/date-time-format)

    Demo: demo

    Simple Capx: capx

    Plugin: plugin

    The plugin is not anymore available. Is it available somewhere else? Thank you

  • Yes you can Import the project in c3 and i did not used external plugins.

  • Fake 3D experiment with bumper/toy cars

    Very impressive!

  • quest/story/novel generator — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!


    <p>A Java application that permits to create your world with your own rules and generate a quest, a story for your game.</p><p>3 main features:</p>

    • Create a directed graph (the world of the story)
    • Generate a story from a graph that contains all possible set
    • Export your world to CmapTools to see the graph of your world

    <p>Graph represents the world of your story. The story or the quest is generated from the execution of a path. The path is randomly chosen but it must respect condition defined by the user. In some points that's similar to an expert system by executing rules when conditions are verified.</p><p>For more details: medium.com/@zzulian/novel-generator-4827599fe67c%3C/p%3E

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about quest/story/novel generator

  • ffman22 I really like your style!

    As for me, I've been improving some very old assets to bring them up to the same standard as the rest of the game. Some of these assets, like the cottages, haven't been changed in almost 18 months. The trees also needed improvements very badly, so I've done that too. And I've also animated the grass!

    The new house, looks really better.

  • A windows game i am working on, a mix of rts/survival/td and who knows what else.

    Your game seems very cool, do you have a dev log with more screenshots; or an early playable version?

  • dev diary 12 mob Demon Archer concept

    sorry for the lack of updates:

    here is the new enemy of the demon version of the map:


    this enemy does not have much HP, but has a great range and damage, and also can attack with daggers in close range.

    dev diary 13 mob Spear Demon concept



    which one do you prefer?

    this demon has a more human form, but his armor, begins combine with his body and the demons flames, he has a good distances, damage, an a decent hp.

    Really nice artwork, personnaly I prefer the number 1, look better zith a black contrast. Yellow and black.

  • Hello,

    I currently work on a strategy game in real time:

    You can also play an early version that shows the game mechanics for building your kingdom, the fighting system is not yet implemented. But I would like first to make sure that the building system and the collecting ressources mechanism work fine. Would be great to have some feedback. Maybe to enhance some stuff.

    So the playable version is here:https://www.scirra.com/arcade/strategy-games/c2kingdoms-tech-demo-8014?action=updated

    the player has to manage just 2 kind of ressources: workers available and gold. The player put some farms, and the workers available go from the city to the farm to collect food, it will increase the number of workers available. To get gold, the player place houses, every elapsed time, get one gold but soustract one worker available. It means that the player can choose to increase the number of workers available to collect food or get more gold. The gold will be necessary to build some infrastructures and for army. If some people have some better suggestions, I am listening

  • Boss fight!

    the atmosphere of the game is awsome, love the bakcground and globaly the art of the game.

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  • Working on my dynamic level generator with customizable values that will let the user make many kinds of levels, really similar to the Nuclear Throne levels' fashion and easy to fit your needs! Everything is made off tilemaps, after the level is generated there is some cleaning done so there aren't too many lone walls that make the mess (that's easily customizable as well), also the walls spawn shadows and the proper z-order is applied so the player appears behind/in front of the wall when he's supposed to. The generating part is 100% ready, I want to add enemies and a few others things before I release it though.

    Sounds great, so you use a tilemap object?

  • zzulian good work very well done

    Thank you

  • dev at very early stage. C2 permits to do quite advance stuffs.

    The earning ressources process is mostly done. The building functionalities are also mostly done. The big part will be to do the fight system and the AI.

  • Wow, looks very Professional. How did you make the gif animation, with which software?