zshellgamer's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • m8 i checked some speeling and definetly there were some names with coma (yes coma, dont ask me why hahaha) and ~ ^ . Then i removed them and it worked. Thanks!

  • I'm using filezilla to upload to my domain, any recommendations?

  • Thanks for the reply and yes

    "Error loading image 'http://www.contadoramigo.com.br/anhembi/comunicacao_expressao/game1/images/botao_instruc%CC%A7oes-sheet0.png': " error { target: <img>, isTrusted: true, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1426298074531000, originalTarget: <img>, explicitOriginalTarget: <img>, NONE: 0, CAPTURING_PHASE: 1 } c2runtime.js:4168:4

    "Error loading image 'http://www.contadoramigo.com.br/anhembi/comunicacao_expressao/game1/images/fundo_instruc%CC%A7oes-sheet0.png': " error { target: <img>, isTrusted: true, eventPhase: 0, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1426298074531000, originalTarget: <img>, explicitOriginalTarget: <img>, NONE: 0, CAPTURING_PHASE: 1 }

    But they are fine, they are not corrupted, don't know what to do

  • Can someone help?! Game is all uploaded to my own server but when i try o play, boom that happens. A lot of thanks in advance

  • Thanks very much m8

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  • The game is ready bt I cant see to find and option or somewhere to "batch" or "render" or "compile" the game. Help. Thanks.

  • Any Ideas are welcome! Thanks haddy22 for you idea!

    PhoenixNightly I appreciate your response as well and i'm interested in looking at your capx, if you don't mind, ofc.

  • Here is the solution: Createad a signal(On left mouse click> Signal "NextText") and when its time to go to the next text= Wait on signal"NextText" then go to next text.

    Thanks Anyway haha

  • Picture look: Instead of having the "Wait x seconds" > Set Text to "", i would like to replace this for another action that would be "Click > Set Text to"" " But i cant figure out how :C

  • I want to make an interactive dialogue where the pllayer can choose the time he want to read a text, then he may click the left button once to go to the next text. How can i do that?

  • OK everything is working now and anyone else can use this as reference, JUST one question if anyone knows how to do it. May I put a max time for the fadein/out? Like, "This fade in have to occur in 1 second" or something like that ? Thanks

  • "Mister dumbass, connect lines 9 to 10" "Oh thanks"

  • Button clicked > Call function fade out/in. This seems to be working.

    Tho on the Image 1, when the layer starts, as soon as it finishes it deactivate Fade IN and activates Fade OUT on its own, without waiting on my command( the click condition ).

    What am i missing?

  • 13 posts