zs85's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Are you still looking for team members?


    yeah actually im still free however i learn c2 now and im pretty busy with the project what im making to learn c2.

  • Hi

    i just started to learn construct 2 and by far i think this is the engine i can finally make my game ideas with.

    I have several hand drawn game ideas and despite someone said he made tutorials for me, i decided to look for a team also.

    any profit from our games will be shared 50/50 and i pay on top of that for telling me the steps ( video or picture doesnt matter )

    i dont know how much a tutorial worth as every tutorial is different but we can discuss that

    i have 4 platform , 2 rpg and 3 metroidvania ideas

    some pics from my concepts



    my indiegogo campaign for one of my rpg idea:


    as i said i have many many ideas so i welcome anyone who is serious and can finish a hard and long project with someone trough the internet

  • oh i just managed to solve it ! : D

    i never gave name to my skeletons ever and i tried it with names and now its perfect!

    however i still doesnt get why was it mixing "skeleton1" with "skeleton2". they are also different names...

  • hi!

    im still a beginner and im trying to use my spine anims in my test games.

    i discovered that if i import a second spine anim, it will make the animation but its using the first spine anim's picture

    at properties at left i give the spine data and atlas data url then i give default to skin as i dont use skins in my animations and then i give the anim key.

    could it be that because i give the skin default for both of the imported spine anims, thats why its mixing together ?

    but the first one always good just the rest will be messed up what i import later so i guess if really the skin name would be the problem's source, it would mess up the first one as well and not just the rest...

  • oh wow thanks !

    finally i could do step 1 the import <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    however i have a feeling the rest will be harder... as the animation cant be seen at testplay and the spritebox is empty (you can see the char now but i only imported a png frame in it because first i tried to import the exported spine png where all the parts of the char are packed on one png and i hoped it will "put the char together" according the spine data but no...)

    bthe way anim key is tricky since i have 20-30 anims in that spine data so i still dont really understand how i should make this work.

    im sorry, this is the curse of the beginners <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /> but can you please help me a bit more ? i hope its not too hard but easy as the import was.

    snapshot of editor:

    sherto.deviantart.com/art/C2-Spi ... 1461236072

  • "zenox98"

    sorry for double post, ( i tried to send a pm but im new so still cant ) but can you please help me in the spine anim import? i made a topic about that and still no reply... and its kind of urgent for me as i cant really continue my c2 learning before i can do that...

  • i dont know how good this plugin is but as far as i know this is the only spine plugin


    im a beginner so can someone please teach me how to import the anims, or show me a tutorial ?

  • oh i solved it !

    the folder in the plugins contained another folder with the files and thats was the problem !

    i only had to cut n paste them a folder above.

    only "GiveYourFontsMono_v2_7" plugin gives the error now

    btw drag doesnt worked but it doesnt matter now.

    thank for the helping anyway!

    edit: there is an issue but i think this is one of the known issues.

    hope you see it now ( btw isnt here a pic attach somewhere? ) :

    sherto.deviantart.com/art/Spine- ... 1460717786

    does it matter to me ? i dont use sounds in my spine anims ( i didnt even knew i can )

    now about how to use the plugin...

    should i make a new topic or can you help me here ?

  • but i done that already

    it gives me the error message

    btw great to hear its working!

    hope someone will do a tutorial soon how to use it in construct

    or is it the same as importing spriter anims ?

  • hi im new to c2

    spriter has still no mesh deform so i must use my spine anims

    i found a plugin but it gives an install error

    here is the plugin


    here is the error


    i dont know how to install by drag n drop as i tried it with every file in the folder but nothing happens.

    i put the folder manually into c2/exporters/html5/plugins and a couple of other plugins as well but all of them gives me this error

    can someone test the plugin and teach me how to install ?

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  • hi

    im new to construct 2 and as usually i started a brutally hard project right away

    its a classic 2d rpg and i would like to know how can i set the camera

    it is following the main char but i want to make it stop when im too close for the picture borders so the camera wont show the empty outside, only the background

    im using 1920x1080 pix size

  • cool!

    i will give it a try.

    just need to find good tutorials.

  • hi

    im not used to html5 and i just discovered construct2 and i would like to ask, can i make a hand drawn ( so not tile based ) 2d rpg with it ?

    such as like legend of mana or saga frontier 2 for ps one.

    full hd, open world , using complex animations ( made with esoteric-spine ) and its free time but can be turn based as well.


    if i can make it, can someone give me a good tutorial or can someone teach me ( for cash ) how to do it ?

  • 13 posts