I've always wanted to make a shmup/bullethell crossover so I started making one last Tuesday. I wanted to finish this before my military service, which starts on Monday, but I kept myself too busy with alcohol so I'm just giving the prototype source away instead.
Zip is around 72mb, I included all the music files and a compiled exe too. Music is made by umbriel rising, http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/3761
WASD moves, mouse aims, shift focuses (slows movement down for enhanced accuracy). Don't worry, you can't die. Once you get to level 15 you'll have a bossfight (which isn't there). The code is ugly and unpolished but it might make a fun half-an-hour game if you put some effort to it. I also forgot to pack in scanlines.fx and whatever else it was that I forgot but at least the exe should run just fine.
The dialog is rearranged lines of a 40's film noir movie Scarlet Street, http://www.archive.org/details/ScarletStreet
The gameplay is essentially ported from Daiz's floodshooter, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/326175/floodshooter100519.zip
Someone go finish it, it's quite likely that I won't. Call the game "17FPS", quotation marks optional. All of our other projects are kinda stalled too, lol.
You'll get a video of an old build though