Zizaco's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • You should look into "Global layers":


    "If a layer's Global property is enabled, then every layer in the project with the same name is overridden by that layer"

  • This well-documented game template allows you to effortlessly create card-based games like Stacklands and Cultist Simulator.

    I created this template to streamline the game development process for my own project. I thought it would be interesting to make it available in the asset store so that others could focus on creativity and gameplay without getting bogged down in complex coding.

    The end result is an intuitive, feature-rich template that simplifies the development process while providing extensive customization options.

    Be sure to check the Asset Store for the complete list of features.

    Try it in the Arcade!

    Let me know if you have questions or suggestions!

  • also if you're forcing JS as advanced, what about those that don't want to do JS? - saiyadjin

    They have the option to use TypeScript instead :)

    or they can stick to the basics and rely on JavaScript/TypeScript addons made by others, which is totally okay (but not "advanced")

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • You can use the hotkeys instead:

    Shift + F4 -> Debug from first layout

    Shift + F5 -> Debug current layout

  • Ruskul [...] It would be the same if your OS provider said you can't install anything not on their list, lest you have a bad user experience.

    The largest company on the planet holds a different opinion.

    Ashley , I'm interested in your thoughts on Construct's visual identity and on having the dark theme as the default.

    I know you don't get this complaint from most users (because they switched to a dark theme long ago), but this definitely plays a role in customer acquisition.

    First impressions are crucial, and visuals play a significant role in creating a positive one. There has been a shift in recent visual trends, with a move away from gradients and skeuomorphic designs. Every tool that is comparable to Construct has a dark theme by default.

    For example, by today's standards, this monochromatic variation of the logo looks better than the current one:

    edit: I couldn't get the dark theme to be the default based on system settings. Tested on new / incognito sessions in Chrome 118.0.5993.70 and Firefox 118.0.2 on Windows 10, and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

  • eliandromon It is technically possible, but MMOs require significant effort.

    Construct's built-in multiplayer features are better suited for fast synchronization with a low number of players.

    With that in mind, I agree with Mikal that Javascript/Typescript code in the client to sync with a server built with NodeJS (or GO?) would be a better approach for an MMO (instead of using the built-in multiplayer behaviours)

    Goodgis video is interesting but a bit misleading. He could have made "Prototype 2" and "Prototype 3" in Construct just like he did in Godot, by coding. :)

  • Ruskul

    I ported it from Phaser+TypeScript

    When writing scripts in Construct you are not forced to put everything into game objects, you can create a plain old class and use it in your code the way you'd want (singleton, composition, inheritance, etc). In my case: I wrote the code that handles the AI using the decorator pattern. That way I could extend the AI behaviours with composition.

    The way I approached the problem might not have been the best (I would do it differently today), but in no moment I felt like Construct3 was in the way.

    To get the most out of TS (i.e: intellisense) you have to use an TS enabled editor, like vscode (not to be confused with visual studio). With other engines, people use external editors all the time.

    Ruskul part of wanting to work with events is that they feel cleaner, more visual, to me, and the moment I can't, it just feels like the core advantage of c3 is no longer present and other environments offer cleaner code spaces.

    I see where you are coming from. Indeed events can be very clean for a lot of stuff, mainly because they are simple to use. You can use it to your advantage, which IMO is one of the strongest points of C3: to have core systems of a game handled with code (optional), while simple systems can be handled with simple/clean event sheets.

    The ability to inline JS scripts within the events can be useful for handling more complex object-picking. For example:

  • Ruskul

    Competition between the best coding environments... in my case, c# with visual studio support, or javascript without good intelesense/scope with construct. This isn't even a competition. [...]

    In construct, starting a new project is fast. Creating new objects is fast. Prototyping features is a breeze, But refactoring is SLOW and gets even more tedious the larger the game gets. Construct, by its very nature, encourages poor architecture (with nearly EVERYTHING in global scope [...]

    if you want add duck, duck rolling, ground pounds, jump forgivness, double jumps, wall runs, wall slides, phaseshifting, object lifting, rewind and timeshift, shooting and reloading, but only in some cases. No that original choice to use if/else trees looks pretty bad. You probably should be using some sort of state machine. But then what if you want the character abilities to be added and subtracted at runtime. [...]

    It was easier to learn unity than grapple with c2 sdk [...]

    but the addition of scripting is pointless as has been mentioned [...]

    Effort should be spent making c3 have better event system features that enable us to do more in a scalable environment...

    Based on the examples you mentioned, you already know the solution. There will be always a limit to what you can do with an easy no-code solution. You can't have the cake and eat it too.

    You should use JavaScript (or TypeScript) to build the complex part of your game (like the state-machine/skills system you mentioned). You can choose to handle the more complex systems with code and use the event sheets for more systems.


    Using Construct with TypeScript and VS code is not much different than C# with VS. You should give it a try.

    I've ported most of my 4x strategy game to Construct, and it is as scalable as it was before. (hex grid, pathfinding, splines, modular AI, etc... check it on itch). With good intelesense btw :)

    skymen [...] with the recent addition of TS, and with the VS Code extension, I think Unity C# with Visual Studio isn't that much of a better coding environment compared to C3.

    I agree with skymen . From my experience, I can say Construct 3 doesn't get in the way of having a scalable architecture (especially now with the official typescript support).

    My two cents:

    1) It's better to invest in promoting the TypeScript support (with tutorials, docs, examples and step-by-step guides), than trying to make event-sheets handle all use cases imaginable. When someone argues about how event-sheets are limiting, it shows that the way to go is to write actual code (be that with C3 or with any other tool).

    2) The visual identity could improve

    Everade Construct needs a major makeover. Their website, logo, mascots, and how they advertise their engine all seem too playful. [...]

    I agree with Everade that this would benefit Construct3. An example is GameMaker, which rebranded in 2012 to present a more professional/studio image. Among other things, the dark theme should be the default. I had the chance to witness someone's reaction to launching the guided tour for the first time. The seemingly outdated theme immediately put them off.

    3) As skymen said, keep doing what you are doing. I understand that there might be challenges along the way, but the Ashley is doing a great job in improving the engine. I have seen many of the suggestions on Construct's suggestions website being brought to life (like TS!), and although not all suggestions are taken to heart, the curation has been quite decent so far.

  • vmwxiong I couldn't find an stable up-to-date definition online. So I'm writing it myself.

    I'm following the scripting reference docs to write only what I needed.

    Here is what I have so far: gist.github.com/Zizaco/ad7b380d228f89ce5ba13693a2cc9505

    arturradukevic453 I don't think so. But as said on the topic, all you have to do is compile TS into the scripts folder and them use the hotkey that was added by construct team: construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-1632

  • nerdError I have yet another suggestion (sorry for spamming).

    A keyboard shortcut to reload from folder:


    It would be nice to have an option to automatically reload it too.


  • Hey Ancient Newbie,

    I just created a feature request for TypeScript: construct3.ideas.aha.io/ideas/C3-I-1628

    nerdError That's what I have been doing too; Nevertheless, an official support for it would be nice.

  • I'm glad you found the plugin useful.

    Ok i have been playing around with the plugin and it's a good idea but still has some security holes.The tmp file can still be accessed when the game is running.

    Yes, you're right. But the idea is not to prevent the user from viewing the content. (because, in practice, this is impossible ), but to prevent any changes in the content that will be loaded by the game.

    Imagine that you're using the Plugin to load your cutscene images. The user will not be able to hack and change the graphics and will not be able to edit or see the the cutscene images that he has not "archived" yet. But, when he do archive, he can (obviously) see them in the game window, save them using print-screen or in the tmp folder when they are on the screen. No problem with that. =D

    The next Security flaw is the password ,If i am desperate enough i can get your password very easily by examining the exe with another app.Create an exe game with this plugin and i will show you your password no matter how long or short it is.

    There is an old (or classic?) technique to get around this.

    Imagine that your password is "xBacon2016". In the password field of the action: do not simply write "xBacon2016", but "xB"+"acon"+str(20)+str(1)+str(6).

    Now try to find the password in the executable. ;)

    And don't forget. "zip" files do not necessarily need the extension. zip. Nothing prevents your files from having ".pak", ".cab", ".dat" <font size="1">or (my favorite)</font> ".dll" extension. =)

    I personally haven't messed with it yet but does it create the tmp folder in the game dir? Yes, in the game dir.

    I'm thinking about a "compress file with password action". So you could create save games in .ini files(I know u guys do it all the time) and protect then from hacking. =)

  • I know this topic is old but here's a solution. (I think)


  • I hope it's useful for you guys


    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12506137/ConstructPlugin/howToUse.jpg" border="0">



    PS: I heard you like to use INI files to contain for example, dialogues of the game. Compressing the INI with a friggin password and using this plugin ensures that no one will modify the contents of your game.

    You can also use it to load cutscene images in runtime. So your executable (and all of your game) will be lighter.

  • 14 posts