Zhon's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Hmm. I'm going to try cutting out the Wait commands and re-exporting, thanks for the tip.

    So does using every tick a lot slow down the game? In my full project I have about 20 events that activate every tick.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Sorry forgot to include the .capx file. I edited it to only include the first scene. Still having the problem.


  • First off, yes, I know there is a performance thread right under this one.

    I have a game developed for Android. It is extremely slow and I'm not sure why. I've followed all the advice in the performance tips thing.

    Even on my first screen the app is horribly slow.

    First screen: there are only 6 objects, no blend modes, clear background is set to NO, physics is disabled, only visual effect is FLASH on one object, zero loops.

    I have no idea why this is running so slowly. My game seems incredibly non-complex and I really need to figure out how to solve this as it is a project for a client that needs to be published in the next few days. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Another option: make a check for a change in the player's Y movement every time the player presses the jump key. If their Y changed in the last tick, jump is not available.


    on Keyboard press UP

    -- set variable jumptest to player.Y;

    -- Wait (0.01 sec);

    -- Compare jumptest to player.Y;

    -- if jumptest equals player.Y, process JUMP

    EDIT - this may become problematic with vertically moving platforms, but can be solved by also checking for collision with said platforms.

  • If you are trying to use it in an expression somewhere, the workaround I've been using is to just have a variable that is always either -1 or 1. It makes the >0 or <0 check right before the expression. Of course this has limited application and doesn't really substitute a proper sign function...

  • Bump - anyone? !

  • I'm working on a project for a client using Construct 2, and he wants Vungle ads incorporated into his game. I'm not too familiar with CocoonJS or anything like that so I'm a just kind of fumbling around in the dark here.

    If anyone could point me in the direction of some information or a tutorial or something that could help me get Vungle ads into my game, I'd appreciate it. I'd equally appreciate being told if it's not possible


  • You could always write your own scrolling logic, which provides more control but of course is a huge pain in the neck and extremely time consuming...

    In a platform example where there is only X movement, you only need one variable (generally I just call it scrollspeed). You need to have events updating on every tick that move objects based on scrollspeed. When the player presses left or right, instead of moving them, you set scrollspeed to -10 or 10, for example. You can also add extra events in the ticks to gradually ramp up and slow down scrollspeed for smoother transitions.

    Needless to say this gets a little tricky, but it's how it's done outside of programs like Construct 2. At least, that's how I do it

  • Some pretty cool stuff in this thread! I only made it a few pages but I'ma have to go back through when I have more time and see the rest!

    Here's a link to my DA profile: And Newgrounds (currently pretty naked, only a few animations and some art from my DA profile):

    And here are a few game-related-ish artworks to show off!

    Volcano stage for an iOS game:

    Flash game assets for a client:

    Old flash game assets available for public use (just PM me) - some PNG compression issues in this compilation though:

  • Good day everyone. I've been lurking for a couple of months but I am finally joining the forums. I began using Construct 2 for the Newgrounds game jam but I decided to cancel that since I'm working on something more important now. I am primarily an artist, though I've been making small games since I was a child. I started with the early versions of Game Maker by Mark Overmars and the Don translations of RPG Maker. Now I'm mainly sticking with Construct 2 because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than Game Maker... Haha.

    Anyway, I hope to meet some swell people here.

  • 10 posts