ZetaCron's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • The rainbow ball shows up once you've clicked each ball 20 times, although I'm thinking of reducing that to 7 (because a rainbow has seven colours, so ~), which will means it will also show up more often.

    In my mind the difficulty is in having to reach the next hundred points before the clock runs out - you get an extra 30 seconds every hundred points. You think I should make the balls faster the higher the points? (or something like that) Hm... what else could I do? I could start the timer lower, but the points higher, and the points get lower and lower every hundred points

    Thank for the "Position only" suggestion - I had no idea about that!

    I just checked to see what you meant about the sound, and yeah, you've got a point ... Still got a few kinks to iron out it seems. I'll work on that. I'm also going to ad in a 'pop' sound for when you click on the balls.

  • If you care to check it out, I've updated the game, but only the visuals. Mechanically, it's still exactly the same game it was before.

    If you've loaded it recently already, you'll have to clear you cache and load it again, otherwise you'll just get the old version.

  • In Photoshop, it's called "stroke".

    I think adding a black outline to white text (or vice versa) makes text stand out a little but more, and gives it a more 'solid' feel and I've been trying to figure out how to do it in Construct 2 and it doesn't seem possible.

    Thanks for any help.

  • I've been working on a simple background, along with having made the balls look less like a circle and more like a sphere. It'll be ready as soon as I've sorted a few other things out. For now, it's still a work in progress.

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  • After I read the T&C on Clay.io's website I was under the impression I couldn't use the Clay.io leaderboard/achievement plug-in if my game was hosted on a site that used a form of revenue generation other than their own, so I took it out before I uploaded it.

    I guess all I'm really asking is it okay for me to use the Clay.io plug-in (so much easier than programming my own!) with my game:

    http://www.touchmyballs.net/ ?

    I really think leaderboards are a great way to encourage people to come back to the site, and achievements are a great incentive to keep playing to see what else you can unlock.

    Thank you.

  • It took me around two weeks to cobble together, with some help from a friend, and while it's not up to the standards of some other games here, I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far.

    I took the Clay.io leaderboards out because I was under the impression they weren't happy for games with their plug-in to be used on ad-supported sites other than their own ~

    I wasn't having much luck with Clay.io anyway, (the game was 'pending' for around three months) so I decided to purchase my own domain and upload the game there:


    Please enjoy.

    Thank you.

  • Created variable "ExtraTime" and set it to 1.

    System Score => 100*ExtraTime, System add 60 to Timer

    System add 1 to ExtraTime

  • Okay.

    I want to reward the player after they've reached X points (Say, 100) by giving them more time on the clock (say an extra 30 sec). My problem is that if I set it to 100, then the score has to be EXACTLY 100 for it to work, so I set it to "Equal to or greater than" but then it just KEPT ADDING TIME. I just want it to ad +30 sec and be done with it. (Also, when it was set to 100 only, it would keep adding time for as long as the score was at 100).

    What I'm trying to achieve:

    WHEN score = >100, +30 sec to time

    But right now it's more like:

    IF score = >100, +30 sec to time.

    Thank you.

  • Thanks everyone. I've actually made it so when the timer reaches zero, it just goes to "Game Over/Time's Up" layout, with a "Try again?" option.

    Even though I had System Timer = 0, Subtract 0 from Timer, it had no effect. I tried every variation I could think of (including everything suggested here).

    If there's ever a Construct 3, I hope they have some kind of separate 'timer'/'stop watch'/'time counter' instance or something.

    I have another question, but that's going to require another post ~

  • Thanks, but that's not QUITE what I'm after. Let me clarify:

    What I have:

    Global Number Timer = X

    Subtract 1.0 from Timer every 1.0 second.

    What I'm trying to achieve:

    When Timer = 0, stop timer.

    (Also, When Timer = 0, Add 0 to Score) <- Would that have to be done on a per object basis?

    What I've tried:

    Timer = Zero, Stop loop (does nothing)

    Timer = Zero, subtract 0 from Timer (does nothing).

    Thanks again!

  • Hello. New here.

    I'm working on a game in which a high score must be achieved in a certain amount of time. At the moment my timer keeps ticking after it's reached 0, going into -1, -2, -3 and so on.

    I tried a stop loop function, but then the timer didn't tick down at all.

    What I'm trying to achieve:

    Timer to stop at "0"

    Accruing of points no longer available after timer reaches "0"

    Thank you very much! (Been trying to figure this out for around an hour, and it's proving very frustrating).

  • 11 posts