Zerei's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    Is there any way to make mouse speed speed/sensitivity the same across different devices?

    Another question: user's screen size may vary, but I need to keep my layouts' size the same on all those devices. I'm not talking about resolution, i'm talking specificaly about distance in centimeters, just like those rulers apps where a centimeter is always a centimeter regardless of the device screen size or DPI.

    Thank you

  • Got it to work!

    Thank you!

  • Ok, this may sound simple but I couldn't do it. Any help would be welcome!

    So, I have these three objects (Target, ObjectA and ObjectB). Their frames are determined by three different variables (every tick set object frame to that variable). Each frame is a different geometric form. Example: Frame 3 is a square for all objects.

    What i'm trying to do here is that every time the user presses space bar, the system compares if there are any objects that are identical. If so, then set the "ObjectIdentical" variable to 1. If not, then its 0.

    There's an image explaining what i'm thinking: http://imgur.com/fe9m0TB

    As Always, thank you in advance, community!

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  • Hello!

    I'm a psychologist. I use construct 2 mostly to create complex assessment tests.

    But I know nothing about PHP, jSON, things like that. I need help parsing data from my test to the server, I need it to be stored safely.

    For example, when someone complete a test (created by me), that data need to be stored. People say that this easy.

    The value for this job is R$ 500,00 (convert it to your currency). It may sound small, but that's what an underdeveloped country can provide, unfortunately.

    If anyone's interested, just mail me:

  • Yo!

    I have an array, 4 rows and 20 columns.

    I want to display all values in a text, so that i'm able to copy paste these values in a text and open it as a CSV on excel.

    Basically I want to save this array as a sheet.

    Some help?

  • That's right

    I'll mail you as soon as I get home.

  • Hello!

    We are trying to collect data through a simulated supermarket. It is already done, what I need is to save the data collected and stored in a CSV (or array, what's better in this case?), in this case, you just need to integrate these data, that would be saved in a sheet, so that we can analyze data later. Payment is roughly U$ 250 ( R$ 500,00, depends on dollar value at the time). We already have a server.

    Anyone interested?

  • Thanks!

    Almost that. But instead of increasing the scale of the three squares to the left, the right one (blueberry) increase the scale and is equal to the fruit that my mouse is over.

    For example: mouse is over Banana, then the square to the right turns yellow and then increase size.

    In any case, your example really helped a lot!

  • Hi guys!

    I'm trying to create something like a supermarket.

    I have about 100 products, with 100 different images each. But the player can only see two of these products.

    My first question is: How can I make a sprite (Sprite1 or Sprite2) to display the product image according to my array. Ie: Banana, on Sprite1 and Apple on Sprite2.

    Second question is: I have a Sprite3, which will display the Sprite1 or 2 figure (banana or apple), but larger, according to which sprite the user's mouse is over.

    I don't know if I made myself clear... Thank you for your attention!

  • Thanks for your answer. Any sugestions about how can I deal with this issue? Tried r120.2 but it didn't seem to work...

    Edit: Reinstalled r120.2 again, and it magically worked... Well, I hope this magic lasts forever, haha!

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open Capx

    2. Test on Chrome

    3. See if there's a text, or not.

    Observed result:

    On my Google Chrome (and .exe), the exported file does not show any text at all. But, on Firefox and Internet explorer, the game is ok.

    IMPORTANT: I tried this on three different computers. I really don't know what is happening.

    Expected result:

    I need texts for my games :(

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 and Windows 8

    Construct 2 version:


    B?NUS BUG:

    I just don't know why, but my Add/Edit WebGL effects is not showing up. I think that this is somehow related to the first bug.

    Screenshot: dropbox.com/s/1gp4mu7mdg4z9ya/What.png

  • Richard, thanks a lot for your help. Now, I can see what's wrong...

    I don't have this option enabled, worse: my construct is kinda different from yours (mine is 117)

    Here is a screenshot:


    What should I do?

  • Maybe someone can answer me before I get home... I think that this may be a common error.

    When I export (or text the game) on chrome, any text object is displayed. All other objects are ok. This happens at different computers and chrome versions.

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    i'll post when I get home

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open Capx

    2. Test game on chrome

    Observed result:

    No texts.

    Expected result:

    Text must be displayed.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 and Windows 7

    Construct 2 version:


  • I don't know what's going on. There's no add/edit effect for objects. Only for layers...

    Maybe it's a bug?

  • It just so happens I'm making a game with some sprites called 'orb1' and 'orb2' right now. I'm also using a lot of WebGL including colour changes.

    You could try applying the WebGL effect called "AdjustHSL" and have the hue altered depending on whatever it is in your game that determines the 'orb' colour. The other way would be to avoid WebGL and simply have a set of animations for the sprite that you can switch for each instance, depending on your parameters.

    Haha, that's a nice coincidence!

    But, problem is: I don't know how to apply these effects! I've looked everywhere (not everywhere, because I didn't find anything).