zenox98's Forum Posts

  • I saved the capx from the forum (someone's dropbox) directly to my dropbox.

    Opening it from dropbox in C3 (today) is not working.

    Did I do something incorrectly?

    Trying to understand the editing and saving aspect of your OP.

    You say you originally opened/imported a .capx into C3, editied it, then saved it to dropbox on a different computer(?). If you saved from C3 then it wouldn't be a .capx.

    Do you see my confusion? (maybe I'm having a bad Sunday!).

  • in dropbox it has .capx extension.

    I don't understand. C3 doesn't save as a .capx - it's a c3p. The format is different - .capx is mainly xml whereas .c3p is json.

    Sorry if I'm missing something /misunderstanding. Could you clarify?

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  • hello! I don't have time to make a solid bug report with trying to reproduce it, so I will do it this way to see if other people have had the same experience and maybe even advice.

    - downloaded a .capx from the forum (so I guess it was made in C2)

    - opened and edited it in C3

    - saved it to dropbox on computer 2

    - opened it from dropbox on computer 1

    - C3 does: downloading, importing, message: "failed to open project. Check if it is a valid Construct 2 single-file (.capx) project."

    If this happens again, I will see if I can make time to make a bug report.

    How are you saving it (extension)?

  • Just tried it and besides having to restart after an update (haven't used it in ages) it worked fine. Opened and ran Kiwi Story - no issues.

    Have you installed any Chrome addons lately or have any had updates?

  • Whether construct 2 can make five nights at freddy's and give an example

    Please read the Tips for Posting.

  • I delete the behivor car from a sprit and crash and auto delete the game file

    Your post does not follow the Bug Report Requirements and therefore it's impossible to offer any assistance and your report will likely be closed automatically by Ashley, as there is no way he can recreate the bug from what you have posted.

  • Hello,

    When I play games with different browsers, images do not always appear. If I play with different smartphones, sometimes, images do not appear either.

    How to fix this problem very embarrassing.

    thank you very much

    Your post does not follow the Bug Report Requirements and therefore it's impossible to offer any assistance and your report will likely be closed automatically by Ashley, as there is no way he can recreate the bug from what you have posted.

  • Hey all,

    I'm trying to make a spinwheel game like Wheel of Fortune, where the wheel is with several gifts around the edges.When I shake the phone wheel start spinning and then after few seconds I want to slow the rotation. And at the end I would like to identify the gift, which points to the arrow. So far I'm good detecting phone shake. I tried to spin the wheel but so far no luck.



    Can you please share the WheelOfMisfortune.capx if you can. kittiewan and Weishaupt

    I am really not good with physics and have tried this is several ways. Maybe there is a better/easier way to do it without physics, but right now I'm coming up with blanks. Any ideas would be appreciated!

    Please check the user profile before tagging them. It's been over 3 years since the 2 users you have tagged have been on this forum.

    Rather than bumping threads that are years old, why not create your own thread in the 'How Do I' section.

  • I'm also trying to make a spinwheel game where the wheel is with several gifts around the edges.When I shake the phone wheel start spinning and then after few seconds I want to slow the rotation. And at the end I would like to identify the gift, which points to the arrow. So far I'm good detecting phone shake. I tried to spin the wheel but so far no luck.

    Tobye Do you have a .capx file which I can use to get an idea about this.



    Please help. Thanks


    This thread is 5 years old and Tobye hasn't been on the forum for over 2 years.

  • I have built a game with construct 2 in 64 bit system and made its exe for running game. But that exe (win32) is not working properly in 32 bit system.

    You need to provide far more detail.

    What versions of C2 and NW.js are you using?

    What OS are you having problems with?

    What export options are you using?

    Does it work if you just export one of the built-in examples?

  • Okay, first off, i know title doesnt explain really well, but I'm having this problem. I tried a sprite with the pathfinding behaviour, so when you click on it, you choose somewhere in the map with the mouse, and the sprite moves there. It was all working good in a blank project sheet, but as soon as i put obstacles in (with solid behaviour), the pathfinding sprite won't move. Whenever I tell it to go like, 10 feet in front of it, it works, but when i tell it to go at the other side of a wall, it stops working.

    I know i dont explain very well, but i hope you understand "^^

    Trying to fix pathfinding problems from just an explanation is nearly impossible - there are just too many things that could be wrong, e.g. cell size.

    It would make it much quicker if you provide a .capx which highlights your problem.

    BTW does the built-in pathfinding examples work correctly for you? If so, you may be able to see where you have gone wrong.

  • if anyone is working on a match 3 or has a capx saved in his pc please share ...

    Please read the Tips for posting by Tom.

    Main points are: be specific in what you need help with and include a .capx whenever possible. Don't just ask for a full working .capx; users are more than happy to help but they are not here to do your whole game for you.

  • * moved as not a bug in C2 but a website issue that Tom will need to examine.

  • could you help give me steps so i can put a working link on this thing???


    I've amended your link so it works (for me anyway) and left your link so you can see the superfluous info that was at the end.

    Whether this is the correct way to share a 'onedrive' link is not for us to say, and I have never used onedrive but the html at the end is obviously wrong.

    There should be some documentation on the site or via Google that should help you create links properly.

  • I've recently been using the local storage for saving and it works fine. I can save what weapon the player has and all the stats. But in the past week it has stopped working without me tampering with the events. Specifically, weapons now no longer load. All your other stats load fine. So I check my weapon events for loading and saving to see if I accidently tampered with it. I hadn't it was still exactly the same. So I deleted all my events for saving and loading and re-did them. Weapons are working again. But as I implement loading regular stats EVERYTHING has stopped loading? I've even made a test project that allowed me to randomize 3 stats, save and load them and it works perfectly. Can LocalStorage just not handle loading 35 variables at once or something?

    I'm not posting game capx


    - Conra

    Please don't multi-post the same post in different sections.

    Allow sufficient time for a response. Remember that users come from many different time zones so a little patience is required.

    It is perfectly acceptable to 'bump' your own thread after 24 hours if no answer has been forthcoming.
