zenox98's Forum Posts

  • GPProd

    If you look at the photo the Noncentz705 posted, the FileChooser object is selected, and the property sheet on the left of the phot shows the properties for the FileChooser. At the bottom, Noncentz705 has given the FileChooser object 'Id' property the name 'foo'.

    In the same photo, the Event sheet shows the Condition and action. The action says:

    'Browser Execute Javascript "foo.click();"

    i.e. whatever the id of the FileChooser is, that is what needs to be before the ".click();".

    If Tom would fix the forum, it would make this much easier.

    If you still don'tget it, I'l upload to my dropbox.


    Try the following: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yfjvsq1cbcioulr/FileChooserButton.capx?dl=1

  • GPProd

    The .capx is missing one essential piece of info that's needed for it to work - the 'Id name' property of the FileChooser object that's used in the browser call.

    In the picture, they call it 'foo', so the browser call will be 'foo.click();'.

    Unfortunately, I can't attach the fixed .capx as this forum has broken again (@Tom).

  • https://www.scirra.com/manual/182/file-chooser



    Whether to allow selecting a single file only, or multiple files in one go.



    Return the name of the chosen file at an index. In Single select mode, the index should always be 0, since only one file can be chosen.

    Therefore, the first of a multiple select would have index of zero, next 1, then 2 etc....

  • You should re-read the manual regarding triggered events.

    On touch is a trigger that means as soon as an object is touched, a triggered set of actions is usually expected. Keeping your finger on the object will not trigger it again.

    Is touching will continue to keep checking if a particular object is being touched and so will fire its associated actions until no longer touching.

    Massive difference.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • NeoBiel

    Unless you follow the reporting guidelines and attach a minimal .capx with specific instructions to recreate the problem, then how is anyone expected to help you?

    Ashley will most likely close this post if you don't do what the guidelines ask for.

  • Are there any errors shown when importing?

    Does the Project Files window show both the .ogg and .m4a converted files? If not, then there must have been an import error, and no file will be shown when trying to access the sound.

  • You're best bet is to email directly.

  • Drakmyre

    Your Ball object has an instance variable called 'Health' that has an initial value of '5'.

    The reason it's not there when the program starts is because your Event 5 says, 'If Ball instance value Health = 5 then Destroy ball'.

    If you change this to 'Ball Health = 0' then your ball will not be destroyed.

    Also, spawning so many balls on collision with the side walls is not a good idea as you will get a cascaid of creates that will eventually crash or lock the browser.

  • Check browser console for errors.

  • The latest release notes for r200 statethat C3 has now officially started development:

    [quote:3ks2tpob]Construct 3 is now in development

    In other news note that Construct 3 has been announced. You can stay up to date with the latest news at Construct3.com. While Construct 3 is a long way off, note that a consequence of its development is that the Construct 2 update cycle will slow down.

    To expect updates now is ridiculous.

    As stated, sign up for updates and just be patient. It will most likely be many months before any significant news arises.

  • What do you mean?

    Website is still there: https://www.construct3.com/

  • Here is the release notes for buile 187: https://www.scirra.com/construct2/releases/r187

    Main point of interest:

    [quote:2mzzqiwl]Please note unfortunately this change has broken compatibility with the Scirra Arcade. The Arcade has long been in need of an update and we are planning to release a new version of it soon. When the new version is released Construct 2 will be updated to enable the Scirra Arcade exporter again, but unfortunately until then new submissions cannot be made from any version other than r168.2.

    The reference to 168.2 is a mistake (no such build) and actually refers to build 186.2.

    Therefore to post to the arcade, temporarily install r186.2 and export. (This will only work if you haven't used any of the new functionality introduced in subsequent builds.

    The other option is to wait for the new Acrde to arrive, which considering how long it's taken, could be a long wait.

  • billn

    Totally wrong section to post.

    This section is for the old Construct Classic software.

  • Already answered numerous times.

    C3 is a long way off, and current C2 license holders will get upgrade offer.

    That is as much as anyone knows, as C3 has only just started development.