Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • > Good point, could be interesting if changes in the code could reflect in the editor.


    That's not really possible since you can do things in js/c that don't translate directly to events.

    Precisely my thoughts.

  • > Probably not at all. I mean what would most users do with such source code? It won't look very readable since a lot of things would have to be done in c to match the events. It's kind of like manipulating the js of an exported project if it wasn't obfuscated.


    Yeah, you can do this if you export to NW without minifying and I've actually found that pretty useful in a couple of situations. It would be kinda cool if Construct 3 let you manipulate the underlying code at will before export, but not necessarily worth it for the devs to add that functionality within the program.

    Good point, could be interesting if changes in the code could reflect in the editor.

  • This feature sounds much more useful:

    "Modular Design – Power users are able to develop new editors, tools and extensions directly from within Fusion 3 without the need for writing extensions in other IDE environments. Essentially this means that you can code new functions and behaviours into Fusion 3 within fusions itself."

    Yeah, I *THINK* C3 is going for something like this?

  • Thanks for putting this together. Tbh I think Ashley wanted a topic here to placeholder for an update to the platform behaviour - this forum is the evernote for tweaks to c2. The case for collision filtering solids is incredibly strong in if the behaviour is to be used by more than just one actor.

    Exactly! It needs to work on a per-instance basis so any kind of NPC that uses the platform engine can respond differently to it's surroundings.

  • If there's anything I could do better with this example: let me know and I tweak it to present a better case to Ashley

  • Probably not at all. I mean what would most users do with such source code? It won't look very readable since a lot of things would have to be done in c to match the events. It's kind of like manipulating the js of an exported project if it wasn't obfuscated.

    What get's me from watching the second video is it looks like things are still have the same design they had from Klik n play.

    Struck me that way too, they added some switch slidey bits (probably to appeal to touch users?) but left in the chessboard and bouncing ball defaults.

    And good point with that js similarity.

  • how this kind of competition might affect the forthcoming C3 release

    If any.

  • I know, C3 will be HTML5 as usual, but I'm interested to know how this kind of competition might affect the forthcoming C3 release:

    [quote:1qbgod08]Export C Code & Populate C In Real Time Users are able to export their product from Fusion 3’s visual interface to C code at the press of a button. Impressively the new development environment also supports the ability to populate C code as you work.


  • Sure, it should be doable on desktop maybe on Ios with WKWebView.

    BTW physics works on tilemaps.

    Immovable that is....

    A bit heavy, though, for something that merely needs a "switch off/on reactions to solids" event

  • Is this detailed enough, Ashley ?

  • Thanks for the video, that helped me reproduce it. Should be fixed in the next beta.

    Oh wow, thank you! It's been driving me crazy! What was causing the issue, if I may ask? I'm curious!

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  • Can you file a bug report requesting this with a demo? It will most likely be lost in the forums otherwise (as looks like has already happened before!)

    Ashley all done!

  • Problem Description

    The platform movement is in desperate need of an event that disables collision filtering to allow for individual instances of an object using the movement to react differently to solids. Disabling/Enabling solids for an object is a global change of the solids state, rather than an objects "interpretation" of the solids state.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ezha00yp7da5 ... tairs.capx

    Description of Capx

    Shows a demo of a staircase with enemies, the player and the enemies all using the platform movement.

    Instead of "stairLtoRup" > Set Solid Disabled, I need an event that says: "PlayerObject" > Disable Collision Filtering that works per instance (so, if there's multiple enemies with platform movements, they can each have their collision filterings disabled, and it won't affect the other enemies of the same object.

    Also, this example could be written so that collisions are only detected if certain conditions are met, in which case this example could be written in reverse so that collisions only come on rather than off if certain conditions are met

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Move player with arrow keys
    • Jump off/fall off stairs to ground
    • Notices how enemies react differently to the stairs depending on the players state.

    Observed Result

    The staircase's state changes to accommodate the player, whereas the players reaction to the stairs should only affect the player and not the other platform movement objects.

    Expected Result

    I would like to have instead of "stairLtoRup" > Set Solid Disabled, I need an event that says: "PlayerObject" > Disable Collision Filtering that works per instance (so, if there's multiple enemies with platform movements, they can each have their collision filterings disabled, and it won't affect the other enemies of the same object.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/)
    • FireFox: (YES/)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Sp3

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Can you file a bug report requesting this with a demo? It will most likely be lost in the forums otherwise (as looks like has already happened before!)

    Okay Ashley , I'll throw together an example of how it could be done with a comment denoting where such an event would be useful. If anyone else here has any other examples that could be useful in this request, chime in...

  • its likely something will not work with android. you might get lucky. it sounds like you have a good solid method for doing things. I definitely have seen things work for one and fail on the other (ios vs android) so anything is possible and you won't know till you try.

    Might be good for you to make a tutorial that just outlines what you said but more explicit if/when you have time. I know I'd be willing to give XDK another look with some new insight on the subject. I've just banged my head against the XKD wall long enough to not be eager to come running back.

    Though I'm still pretty darn happy with Cocoon IO overall. MUCH smaller APK's alone are worth the price of admission. 2mb+game vs crosswalks 19mb+game

    Really? You can get them down that small with cocoon?