Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • Zebbi

    Yes, that is a fairly basic feature that you'd think would be obviously useful.

    Yep, Fusion has always done it, I just wish it was over here too

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    You're going to need a team. Seriously, a team! You'll cry from the amount of work & fix that is needed to be done.

    Or better use your time focusing on more important things, again don't waste your time. Think about this more clearly...

    This is one decision you don't want to regret.

    It's always much more appealing to work on projects that every tells you not to, though, isn't it? Adds a certain prohibitive edge to the whole thing

    Fusion 3 will have native export to C, and the game files will be JSON source, so something for Construct would be worth LOOKING at, if nothing else. And they're doing 3D now

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    it's funny. you know what is funny?

    wou will spend ~500h on some crappy work that noone will use, won't get you any money, won't be profitable in the end, and for what?

    you could make 10 games in those 500h and earn some money instead.

    point is: learn how to use your time for something productive, not to waste it onto something that won't gain anything for anyone.

    That's just being rude, man.

  • >

    > > Zebbi did you ever hear back on this other than in this forum?

    > >

    > Unfortunately, no, it looks like it's going ignored, I'm afraid! Maybe we can ask Ashley nicely again.


    Being able to ignore specific solid/solid types seems like a no-brainer, especially in terms of optimizing collisions. Unity has layer-based collision (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LayerBasedCollision.html), and it's not hard to imagine why similar functionality, or some kind of tag system for collisions (also in most other engines), would be useful in a 2D game as well. Every little bit of optimization can help, across all platforms. Hopefully Ashley and co look into this. Even extending it to other objects types, like bullets, would be great - bullets may not need to track if they're colliding/overlapping with each other at any point, for example, so that check could be ignored - though I suppose any benefits arising from that scenario would depend on how C2 is checking for collision/overlap in those circumstances to begin with. Heck, just being able to manually set collision cell size (this matters a lot when the "camera" zooms in/out) instead of having it set automatically to theoretically avoid misuse by less experienced users would be a big step...I've never understood the "we don't include this feature because some people may be confused by it" mindset that exists around C2 development.

    Layers would be coo, sure, but I really just want to be able to have different enemies be able to ignore solids independently of each other, so some enemies can walk through certain surfaces where others can't.

  • > Can you use abs to turn a positive into a negative?


    -abs(x) will always return a negative number.

    Would that be more beneficial than using *-1?

  • No. Abs means Absolute Value. There is no opposite for that, that I am aware of.

    Multiplying by -1 seems good for that.

    That's what I thought, would like to know of any problems that could arise from doing it this way?

  • In order to turn negatives into positives you can use absolute value.




    will give 20.

    Can you use abs to turn a positive into a negative?

  • An incredibly simple trick, but to the maths inept of us, it's very useful, and might not be immediately obvious to someone who wants it (like me!)

  • answered your PM

    Perfect, thanks for the help!! The bug was related to my bad coding with an animation that was there anyways, I just missed it, and I also managed to do the hat with the imagepoint plugin you showed me, putting the image point in just the right place on every frame, I'm very grateful for your help 99Instances2Go thanks so much!!

  • Do you mean something like clamp?

    clamp(x, lower, upper)

    Return lower if x is less than lower, upper if x is greater than upper, else return x.

    Ahh, clamp, yes that's the one, I knew there was one! I'm trying this:

    Pin offsetX: PlayerAnimations.Angle/40[/code:garepmog]
    and I want to limit it so it doesn't shift the X too far if the angle of the player is too extreme, clamp will work okay?
  • Is there a way of limiting an expression to having a maximum number? A bit like how you can use random(4,84) or something to pick any number between two numbers, no lower than, say, 4 and no higher than 84, can you limit the result to be no higher or lower via an expression?

  • Zebbi

    Could you provide an example? For example, when master object rotate 30 degree, what does slave (pin object) perform?

    It looks as though it correctly rotates, but due to having the angle set independently from the plugin, it seems to be offset horizontally, here's an example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ku0eiisftsxtj ... .capx?dl=0 if yo're missing some plugins, let me know which ones, I can send you them or remove them from the example file.

  • rexrainbow this pin to offset plugin is perfect, is there anyway of maintaining the angle with this plugin? When I set angle to match the pinned object, it's not aligning properly, perhaps because it's adjusting the angle AFTER the pin, rather than how the pin object works when matching angles. Is there any way of matching the angle with this as the official pin behavior does?

  • Wow, somehow I managed to do it by multiplying by -1 (I'm not a math whizz so I'm more impressed by anyone this worked): GravTime > 0 ? (PlayerObject.Height/2)*-1 + (PlayerAnimations.Height/2)*1 : (PlayerObject.Height/2) - (PlayerAnimations.Height/2)

    I used the conditional operator to test if gravity is inverted, and that puts the character the right way around! Now I just need to figure out the slight flinching frame bug when you first press down, it seems to go away after fiddling around with the keys after a moment, but I need to really pinpoint what's causing this, is it a graphical glitch or something funny with the pin?

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  • Gosh, so many missing plugins, later when i have more time.

    Let me know which ones, I'll spit out a version with them removed ??