Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • If (OBJECT.X - OBJECT.Width/2) + MIN_VIEW > 0 |


    If (OBJECT.X + OBJECT.Width/2) - MIN_VIEW < WindowWidth |

    If (OBJECT.Y - OBJECT.Height/2) + MIN_VIEW > 0 |


    If (OBJECT.Y + OBJECT.Height/2) - MIN_VIEW < WindowWidth |

    where MIN_VIEW is the minimum amount of Pixels you want inside the window.

    Note: This is untested so try it yourself first and tell me how it goes.

    Just trying to think how to tie those four conditions into two OR blocks

  • Is there a way of testing if the X and the Y of something is "on-screen" but with a system expression? I think it's something do with dividing the width by the height or something?

  • But think about it. You started with one object. You clone that 5 times, and then use a Family to bundle those together as if they are one object type again. You've just made your life so much harder.

    My suggestion is to just have one of everything, you create five instances, giving each an ID, from 0 to 4. Now you can pick any of those by the imagepoint #. This simplifies things greatly.

    Ahh yeah, I see what you mean, well those are just debug objects, the actual variables are being used for the tracer start and end points, and it works now with picking families, so I guess it's all solved!

  • Why are there 5 clones of everything? I think that's your first problem.

    Well, there's 5 different rays to find 5 different rays of hit points, but I've tidied the code down to using one set of events based on loopindexes.

  • You're going to have to tell me what I'm looking at here. There's a lot there.

    One more edit, it was the scope I've fixed, I just reordered the tracer via a subevent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0erae2dpy2sh ... .capx?dl=0

  • You're going to have to tell me what I'm looking at here. There's a lot there.

    I've improved it, or so I think: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0erae2dpy2sh ... .capx?dl=0 If you check the Trace1 group, I've got local variables that adjust according to the direction the player is aiming, and each loop for the 5 different tracers resets and reuses it. I've picked each of the debug objects (the star, end, normal (hit) and line families) based on the loop index. It seems to work okay except one tracer in wanging off to the top, maybe it's cause of the 0-index or something?

  • Can you post a CAPX example? It's still not clear what you are doing/wanting.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0erae2dpy2sh ... .capx?dl=0 I was suggested to try and use local variables instead of an array, so it's temporarily set up for that with the other ton of variables switched out, if this fails, I'll wire it up to an array instead. I also need to figure out how to pick a different instance for each loop from the families references in the actions for the debug objects.

  • Actually as I started writing, I came up with more questions, since I don't know your details.

    If each behaviour is in a Family and sets it's own specific variables, why aren't those variables on the family? Then there should be no need to index them.

    If that doesn't work, then getting back the the array idea, if you just have the single base object, then you can create a 5x2 array and use a container to connect the array to each instance. If there is more than one base object (grouped by families again) then you'd have to create the array object, store it's UID, and pick that array, by UID, when needed. This is obviously the most cumbersome mechanism.

    Excellent, now I don't have a massive experience with loops, so bear with me, do I call each of the behaviors with a "for each" and if so, I can't use loopindex, so what's the proper way of calling these different instances of the behavior?

    Just wanted to clarify, I think I've got my wording of behavior a bit wrong, I meant object/plugin Same thing, really though.

    • Post link icon

    The logo was getting a bit dated, and so many others use a cog in their design.

    I like the slightly vintage edge to the font.

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    This just in via email:

    So you’ve signed up to our super special Construct 3 newsletter, but we’re sure you’ve been thinking we’ve been a bit quiet. Well that’ll change soon, we promise. In the meantime, keep an eye on your inboxes and on our social media channels - some news will be coming your way on the 1st of February. Stay tuned.

    Exciting times, can't wait!!

    Crikey, better save some cash aside.

  • This is my crap game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... bbi.srduke

    That was built 8 months ago or so with canvas+ and was/would be very slow with xdk.

  • no i havne't tried webview, it sounds like it sucks.. i have a pre android 5 phone so i know it will suck for my test device.. i'm ok with crosswalk and cocoon.io regardless of bloat.. i don't really care if a game is 30mb.. few people are going to not play my game because it's 22+ mb

    there are way bigger problems to face than file size with mobile gaming

    Is Crosswalk faster than webview?

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  • yea just stick with what works and when it doesn't move on.. performance wise all i can say is design games that are not pushing cpu too hard.. consider ways of making games that don't need heavy gpu performance. I've made lots of games with cocoon and xdk (crosswalk) and they all run fine for everything I've done..

    Have you tried webview by un ticking Cordova? I like the idea of not bundling chrome up with the apk, but the performance is awful in compared to canvas+, what are your findings?

  • I'd love to use xdk over cocoon, but I can't possibly see any reason to use xdk webview over canvas+ when the performance is awful, and this was with a bag-standard basic project. I used the .xdk file c2 made, is there anything else I should be doing to match canvas+'s out of the box performance?

  • Have you used arrays before? I just want to know how much detail to provide.

    Yes, extensively, one of the few things I have somewhat of an understanding of