zatyka's Forum Posts

  • My entry: Acceptance

    Created in about 2 hours. Hopefully I'll be able to spend the entire weekend on a game in LD30.

    I'm looking forward to playing all the games posted here.

  • Joannesalfa

    The projects I've used the engine in have not needed both mouse and keyboard control, but it would be easy enough to fix. The mouse's coordinates would need to be stored each tick, and the selector's position would only update when the coordinates change. Also, the selector can be turned off completely by changing a variable.

  • Yann

    I was referring to the Menu engine in the capx I posted.

    I haven't played with your plugin enough to intelligently comment on it, but look forward to taking a closer look at it next time I use the menu engine in a project.

  • Capx has been posted.


    Thanks for the links. I hadn't realized that Yann had made a full JSON plugin. It seems relatively straight forward, but would require some reworking of the engine. It's probably worth doing if only for the ability to write to JSON. It would simplify some elements of the engine, and allow menus to be changed at run-time.

  • shinkan

    Once modularity is implemented, I'm sure an event-based engine like this would become far more useful. I suppose all we can do is wait and see.

    The capx just needs to be cleaned up and commented a bit. I got distracted with Ludum Dare, but I'll post it soon. I don't have much experience with json, but if it's simpler, and can function similarly to XML when loading data, I'd be all for it. I'm not particularly a fan of XML either.

  • shinkan

    Agreed, on all points. It would certainly be a handy tool.

  • That's a really nice idea. Would like to see this as a plugin more then a capx file

    Agreed, but I'm not sure if/how a plug-in of this nature would fit in C2 editor's architecture.

  • I dislike creating static menus in my projects, so I worked up an engine that reads an XML file, and dynamically creates in-game menus containing components with various functions. So far, I've created components that allow the player to:

    • Open sub-menus
    • Change game settings
    • Re-Map keys
    • Go to a different Layouts
    • Restart the game
    • Go to an external file

    The engine is relatively modular, so other types of interfaces can be implemented without much difficulty. The engine could be extended for dialog boxes, shops, and other window-based system.

    Here is a demo.

    Edit: 4/29: Capx File

  • With Ludum Dare 29 coming up, I started to think about my skillset and the tools I know how to use and Construct 2 came to mind.

    I do this as well. Every Ludum Dare, I consider using Gamemaker or a Haxe library. Since my goal in these events is to make the best possible game in the 48 hours, I always end up using C2. It allows me to prototype and develop ideas at a faster rate.

    Are more people planning on using the multiplayer feature of Construct 2?

    I'm most likely not. Multiplayer is a slippery slope with Ludum Dare games. I've found most multiplayer games aren't rated fairly since the game can only be fully experienced if multiple people are playing concurrently. That may not matter if you're goal is solely to make an awesome game. If your goal is to do well in the competition, you may want to reconsider using multiplayer unless you plan on being logged into your game a majority of the time (which I've seen people do).

    What is the theme you're fancying the most ?

    There are quite a few I like, but I think my favorite is "Two Worlds".

  • So for me it was okay to not use DT since we want it to be dependant on framerate. I don't want that at 30 fps it still reach 300px. That the opposite of what we want to do. I am curious to hear your opinion.

    I'm curious...what situation would would you want a game to be frame-rate dependent? Objects could move at greatly varying speeds for players depending on their hardware/software, and whatever other game logic is running. Is there a scenario where you'd want the game to play different depending on those factors?

  • shinkan

    Yes, you are correct. The capx creates a system similar to custom movement's stepping, but only using events. I can't comment on when it would be better to use events vs the custom movement behavior, but if the former is used, it should be frame rate independent. That was the main reason I posted my revision.

  • I see that you purposely didn't use delta-time, which makes the capx frame-rate dependent. I reworked it a bit to use delta-time, but still end up with a pixel perfect collision.

    It should also be noted that the method you use greatly increases the number of collision checks per tick, which could potentially affect framerate.

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  • I put together a relatively simple template that gives the player a GUI for re-mapping keyboard controls in-game, and also saves the custom control scheme so it can be loaded the next time the game is played. The GUI is dynamic, so you can add other controls to the template without much effort (see notes in capx). I created it for the upcoming Ludum Dare so players with different keyboard layouts can map controls however they like, but I thought others may find it useful as well.


    6-20-14 Edit: A more robust UI for re-mapping keys is available as part of my menu engine:

  • (Image by


    We're less than 10 days away from Ludum Dare 29 (April 25th - 28th). Ludum Dare is an accelerated game development event held every 4 months. Thousands of developers create games for two concurrent competitions taking place over 1 weekend. Full competition rules can be viewed on Ludum Dare's webstite, but here's a summary:

    • 48 hours long
    • You must work alone
    • You must use the competition theme
    • All game content must be created within the 48 hours, with a few exceptions (see full rules)
    • Publicly available libraries and middleware (e.g. Construct 2) are allowed
    • Source Code must be included when submitting
    • 72 hours long
    • Work alone or in teams
    • All creation tools are allowed

    At the end of the weekend, entrants rate each other's games for 3 weeks. Winners are announced at the end of the rating period. Here are a few things you may find useful/interesting:

    Previous Ludum Dare (LD28) info:

    Ludum Dare Survival Guide

    - Great tips, especially if this is your first Ludum Dare.


    - I nice collection of popular tools used by many Ludum Dare participants.

    On a personal note, I've found these competitions to be a great experience. Testing my game creation abilities, under tight conditions, with a strict deadline, is a wild ride. Making it to the end, and submitting a game provides a great sense of accomplishment. Also, the LD community is one of the friendliest I've seen. I hope to see many of you participate.

  • Really cool game with VERY annoying music

    I've come to be quite fond of the music, but since others might not be, I just uploaded a new version with a music toggle.