Zarocks's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hi

    I have a multiplayer game (for kids ) where each player play one by one.

    what i will do is sending in real-time the screen of the current player.

    actually i make screenshot every x time and i send it to the other player in a sprite.

    there is maybe a bette solution or a plugin i don't have find to help me?

    thanks a lot for your help

  • hello, (and sorry for my bad english)

    i would make a audiosurf like game but i have a problem.

    I need to make a pre-analysing for the sound who is going to be read by the game.

    But with the C2 example i can only make the analysing on "live".

    thx a lot.

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  • hello, (and sorry for my bad english)

    i would make a audiosurf like game but i have a problem.

    I need to make a pre-analysing for the sound who is going to be read by the game.

    But with the C2 example i can only make the analysing on "live".

    thx a lot.

  • 3 posts