Zanktus's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • I see, I guess my problem is to use it on the initial text instead of updating it with the system event.

    Thought I could display the variable once without adding it with an event, but does not look possible.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Yeah that questions seems silly and I feel really stupid now... but I can't get a var or whatever inside a text object.

    (I used the search but found nothing, only C2 articles which aren't working)

    In Construct 2 you could do:

    [quote:3mqgil3a]"Attack Power: " & Player.power

    But in 3 all I get is everything as text, I even tried the JavaScript style with + and so on... nothing.

    Please enlighten my stupid soul :/

  • Sounds very interesting, thanks for your insight!

    Gonna give your game a try after the jam is over

    Best luck/fun/whatever

  • What is your experience with LD? Did you enjoy it?

  • I'm participating for the first time, can't wait (14,5h until it starts)

  • If your focus is on the AI I wouldn't choose option 1, because it sounds a way to casual to see a good AI in action.

    Your second option could highlight the AI a lot more because of the traps and and behaviours.

  • State Machines would be the best practice method I guess. This Tutorial for example: ... e-machines

  • I was on this channel before, but it is a way to globalised (which is not bad of course).

    Armaldio created a Construct2 focused Discord-Channel before with increasing numbers in developers and normal C2 users.

    So with the increasing popularity of Discord I hope to see some of you to talk/write about Construct and other stuff!

    Here is the link:

  • Hi guys.

    I usually fiddle around when I find a problem, but this time I'm kinda confused.

    I have the following situation:

    • Inside Family1 is a Monster1 which uses the turret behaviour
    • Monster1 has inherited variables with life, damage_min and damage_max (which are not used in the screenshot)
    • The arrow which is getting spawned is not part of the Family1 (because of a lot behaviours, it cannot be)
    • The Monster2 from Family2 is getting fixed damage of 20

    Now everything works fine, I shoot, Monster2 from Family2 is getting 20 damage every shot and dies.

    My Problem is, I don't want the fixed damage of 20, but the instanced variables from Monster1 of the Family1 damage_min and damage_max.

    Usually I do this with a Function and add a parameter like the Monster1.UID, but the arrow is doing the damage not Family1/Monster1...

    Any idea how I could inherit the variables from Monster1, without adding the arrow to the Family1?

    EDIT: Ok never mind, I'm stupid (kinda late here...)

    I just had to add a variable to arrow and on spawn give it the value of Monster1 damage_min and damage_max.

    Works perfectly.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • And to add something else, if you are using a family for the enemies, you could access the instance on touch.

  • I actually nevery thought about why. All my life I liked to create stuff (art for example) and my brain is full with weird stuff. So I actually like to create games because I'd like to play my own fantasy? xD

    Aynways I enjoy programming and creating art!

  • gurigraphics: Nice and clean lookin. Just the colors of the UI are a bit off. Blue, red and yellowish are a kinda weird combination, but I guess colors doesn't matter that much for the moment? Keep it up.

  • Hello I'm using C2 for a while now but never introduced myself. So well hello buds o/

  • 13 posts