Zacharianinja's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • I hit a bit of a snag on the game I have been working on lately. I need to reset the layout every so often to completely reset it but at other times I need the persist behavior in order to move out of the layout and back in.

    The gameplay is like this; the world is randomly generated to look like a rogue-like where you move around and what not; but every so often you will get into a turn based battle it moves the player into another layout in order to take care of the whole battle sequence. So when you finish that, you should be able to go back and the world that was generated would be the same as it was. So for this I used the persist behavior. But then when you beat the level I need to reset the layout again in order to generate another level to move through. But some objects having persist here makes it pretty messed up.

    Does anyone have any idea how I should tackle this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • I'm currently using CocoonJS in order to send an app to my andriod device however when it starts up it does not load the JSON file that the data comes from. Instead when it first boots up the HTML logo flickers until I minimize the app and enter it again. At that point the the application loads everything but the data from the JSON file. I'm using the "load JSON" plugin. I don't know if it could be something to do with that. Anyone know what may be causing this and what a solution may be? Thanks in advance!

  • I am trying to load a list from a JSON file with the load JSON plugin. I had it working for a while and it just kind of stopped working and I don't exactly know what the problem is. The only thing i could really determine is that the JSON file never loads. I'm really new to adding external files to construct so maybe I am overlooking something.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Is converting a layout of about 2000 32x32 objects into one large png of 4096x4096 actually going to be more efficient then using all the little ones?

  • Wow major stupidity on my part. I had a tiled background that i forgot to delete on the layer above so it overlapped the new png. Thanks for your help though!

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a randomly generated level made out of small squares(used the mining method). My goal was to put this on mobile so i obviously cant be working with hundreds and hundreds of objects. So my idea was to screenshot the whole layout and just use that as the level, so id be dealing with one large image rather then tons of little ones.

    The problem however is with changing the background object to the new snapshot. I have it opening a new window with the Snapshot so i know its being taken correctly but i cant seem to find out where the problem is with bringing it back into the scene.

    Any help would be so amazing!

  • I have my levels generating through seeds using the RandomPlus Plugin. I want to store the levels I have already been to in an array. I want it to generate a new seed whenever my current room is after the highest room I have been to. I tried this but i was having all kinds of problems. I have no idea why.

    You should be able to travel freely from room to room. Any idea why?

  • I used the miner type system of creating a cave like system which works well, however it really is taking a blow on my fps.

    I feel like my best bet is creating the randomly generated terrain and screenshoting it then reloading that in. Then deleting all the pieces that were created beforehand.

    I have no idea how to go about doing that though. It seems like snapshot canvas only works when it is only 1 screen big. I'm working with a pretty large layout of 4096,4096. Any help would be amazing!

  • I know this is pretty old but just wondering if anyone ever had found any way of increasing the fps

  • Oh wow missed this! thanks!

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  • Arrays don't seem to be what i am looking for, and California are you referring to the plugin for construct classic? that was really all i could find regarding the mazes. Its actually exactly what I'm looking for but unfortunately cannot be used :/

  • I want to create a randomly generated world by taking these pieces and when they are created they search the areas that are open in each piece and then build if there's nothing there then the process repeats. I'm having some issues with pieces not spawning at all and I cannot find the issue at all. Also if anyone has a better way to do this that would be great!

  • 12 posts