Yuckler's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Greetings.

    I am working on a mobile HTML5 game. When I preview my game on Construct 3 on my iPad, it is fullscreen and looks great. When I remote preview it on Brave on my Android phone, it is in the wrong orientation and not full screen. I can manually change the orientation on the phone, but the game is still not full screen and the browser bar sits in the way.

    How can I force a specific orientation and full screen the app? Also, how do I give one of those "Add to Home Screen" prompts?

  • Never mind. I restarted Construct 3 and once it was back up I could see my layouts and I was able to pick levels and test that it worked with remote.

    When in doubt< restart the software I suppose.

  • Under properties there is an option called 'First layout'

    Thank you for taking the time to answer. I found the first layout property, however, my only option appears to be (default). Am I doing something wrong?

  • Greetings. I licensed a coloring/drawing game from the asset store. It has a splash screen, a select screen to decide what to color/draw and then a screen for coloring/drawing.

    I decided I don’t want the splash screen at all, so I deleted it and it’s event sheet. However, now when I start the game it begins on the drawing layout instead of the select screen layout.

    How can I force the select screen layout to be the first one shown when the game is loaded?


  • My problem must’ve been some kind of temporary fluke, because now I am able to swap the image out as expected.

    If any moderators happen to read this, feel free to close the thread. Otherwise I will bump it no more and let it die a natural death.

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  • Here is an image showing the initial image vs the one I loaded:

  • Greetings,

    I licensed a drawing game from the asset store. Upon saving a drawing, it draws a frame around the image. I downloaded the image of the frame from the project, and modified it to my liking. Whenever I open the Animations Editor, I can load my new frame image and see it correctly in the editor. However, when I close the editor it seems to switch back to the old image.

    Is there some manual save process I need to go through in the editor?

  • 7 posts