With all due respect, I would like to say that the forums have been an EXTREME and I do mean EXTREME pain point for my team. Half the time we get 500 server errors and have to rely on Google Cache to view posts. Some old posts have bad formatting, and things that were attached in old posts are now no longer available, creating a never ending spiderweb of frustration. It took us a while to realize that the forum went through a migration process, and the whole thing felt extremely chaotic and poorly put together.
Lack of a search feature is absolutely brutal for people trying to use the forum as a knowledge base, with Google once again having to come in, to do the heavy lifting here. It's not great, it's far from great, and in all honesty if we knew before that we would have to be fighting 500 errors in an unsearchable knowledge base, with half the posts being jumbled unreadable poorly formatted messes with attachments missing, it would have certainly affected our decision to use this software, and purchase Construct 3.
I understand that you needed to make this change to make it easier on YOUR side, but you've made things infinitely more difficult on the consumer side. You have effectively shifted the burden to us instead of you, even though we are paying consumers, and are expecting a working community and knowledge repository.
I don't agree with users become unnecessarily aggressive, but this is an extreme problem for some, and the assessment that the forums are in "shambles" is somewhat accurate. I would also say that from speaking with people on Discord this is sowing a lot of frustration into the user base.