Yoruno's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Yeah I've tried changing layer angles. They work, just that once i start adding other stuffs it gives me more layers to set angles on manually so i was thinking if i can change window angle instead that'd mean less things getting rotated lol.

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  • Hello, here's a game that im working on.


    It's very much a normal vertical shooter at the moment. What i'm stuck on is that.. is it possible to rotate the window/camera?

    The idea is that when i press.. say D, I want the window (plus the player ship) to rotate 90' to the right. On screen it'd look like you're still flying straight up north but the purple blocks will be coming from left.

    I can rotate the layers and layouts and it does give similar effect to what i want to achieve, just that if i can rotate the camera itself it would probably make things a bit more simpler.

    I also tried simply changing where enemies spawn facing what angle, it works but the current spawning mechanics is just a place holder so its no good as a solution. =[ So yeah. Thanks in advance!

  • Hello, I extracted the folder into behaviors folder like you mentioned but it's not showing up on my insert new object window. I thought it might be in wrong folder so i copy pasted in plugin in folder but it gave me an error when i open construct2 again so im sure its the right place.. If you could help me get this working it'd be great. Thanks in advance.

    Edit: This is why i need to sleep more, checking for behavior in object window and all.. Please disregard that and thanks for the addon, its awesome!

  • Thought it's about time i really consider getting a license and register myself here while at it. Still hesitant about the license but here i am.

    Aspiring designer here. I've been trying to get into creating games but im more of an artist with little to no knowledge of programming so construct 2 suits me just fine, at least for the time being. Currently im just using it to try out random mechanics that pops up in my mind.

    That being said, hello.

  • 4 posts