YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • Clearly some games are easier/faster to put together than others. I've been using the program and this site for 3 years and have wondered if anyone's completed and published a complete RPG experience using Construct 2.

    I'm still wondering how certain aspects of an RPG are being put together: all of the Enemy/Item info and randomness, story and dialogue, leveling and unlocking of things, etc.

    If anyone has the experience either with what they're currently working on or have already created, I wouldn't mind having some things to look over. Thanks.

  • There are several ways to do this:

    1. Create a dummy object (an empty sprite for example), set it as Global and add No Save behavior. Move all your global variables to instance variables on this sprite.

    2. Save these variables to Local Storage. After loading a saved game, retrieve variables from Local Storage.

    Can you make a demonstration of this to look over? I think I might have tried to do something like this before and wasn't sure it was working.

  • Seeing again if I can get any replies to this. Otherwise, I'm going to see about using multiple globals and try to get it working consistently.

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  • Wanting to see if I can get a response to this. Any help would be appreciated.

  • I'm working on a game where the player's own stats can increase after leveling/receiving a bonus. In the game, the player picks 3 team members who have their own set stats. However, the player itself can add an increase/decrease to each team member at the start of the level.


    Player: +1.5HP, 2Pow, +1.8Def, +0.2Aim

    Team Member 1: 5HP, 5Pow, 4Def, 3Aim

    Team Member 2: 4HP, 3Pow, 4Def, 4Aim

    Team Member 3: 4HP, 5Pow, 3Def, 2Aim

    How would I go about having a system where the Player stats are added as bonuses to each Team Member at the start of the level? It's a 2D side scrolling type of game.

    Also, with the Aim stat... considering that each Team Member is supposed to aim at a particular angle (0, 45, etc.), I'm not sure how to even add an aiming bonus. That stat is perplexing me as to how it's even featured/used properly in a video game. Any ideas on how to go about and get this all working would be appreciated.

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  • Sorry for lately reply, you can change current set Y to this one :



    Yes, that's what I was looking for. Thanks again.

  • I made it up and down with up/down arrow key.


    p/s : I didn't add bullet behavior yet.

    This does work well. How would I make it so that the sprite gradually moves up or down to the line path? I'm not sure how to get lerp to work properly, along with the sprite having the line path in the center of it just like it is now.

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  • How exactly would I go about having a character that moves forward on a line path have the ability to move to the path above or below itself. If I have 3 lines and the character starts on the middle path (bullet behavior with line path sprite in the middle), how do I set it up so that the character goes UP/DOWN to another line path? I'm guessing the movement system is similar to Subway Surfer. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Does anyone have an example of how they would accomplish selecting a character/item/etc. and then being able to determine what order they interact with the game? The best example would be in an RPG where you have 8 characters and need to create a team of 3 where there's a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place order for your team to take actions.

    I'm sure I've got this to work before but I want to know if there's an easier way I haven't thought about. Any help would be appreciated.