Yogsips12's Forum Posts

  • Never would of got that in a million years, thanks a ton!

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZWT-xQ ... sp=sharing

    This google drive should work?

  • I'm building an ammo system in a game. Basically I have 3 guns, pistol, minigun, and rifle. The pistol is single fire, the other two are automatic. I have a global variable set to 0, for ammo, and an item to pick up which adds to that variable. I also have systems where if ammo is below zero, the gun doesnt spawn a bullet.

    It's fairly simple but refuses to work. I set a text box to the ammo variable, to track it and see if it was counting right. I walk over the pickup item, and boom, nothing is added to the text number. This might just be an issue with text boxes.

    The automatic guns use "Left Mouse is down" to register their automatic fire. I made a thing that corresponds, with "Left button is down", and subtracts from the "Ammo" variable every second. But for some reason, the automatic guns ignore the ammo count entirely and fire regardless. This makes no sense. I have parameters in place where if "Bullet on created, if Ammo = 0, destroy Ammo". This means that the bullet shouldnt be firing if the Ammo variable is zero, regardless of what gun. I'm utterly lost and cannot comprehend how this isn't working. Thanks.

  • That got it, thanks!

  • imgur.com/a/IWUJn

    Soooooo it still doesn't want to work, says the comma and the word mouse are syntax errors, when I followed your exact instruction.

  • I cannot get them to work. I have a bullet spawning, but when it spawns I want it to follow the mouse cursor. Everyone else just says to type that but both of them won't work together. For some reason having two of them throws up a bunch of reasons and wont let me do it. Why is it not letting me put both?

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  • that worked really well. that's all the issues fixed and you've helped me learn a lot, thanks!

  • Thanks, I was able to get it working quite well. I just have one issue and that is bullets that have been spawned going to the right, when mirroring the character, come flying back at 180 degrees instead of going the direction they were originally in. You know how to fix this?

  • Hi, been working on a project a little while now and I'm having some issues. I'm making a platformer and the problem is that gun mechanics are very difficult for me to get working. I can make guns shoot with Bullet behaviors and spawning but mirroring and weapons are the bane of me.

    How do I make multiple guns? I've set up different animations for the player but it really does not work and doesn't change the origin points and spawning. Is there an easier way to do this?

    I've also had issues with mirroring. When the player is mirrored and shoots, he shoots both directions for some reason with the system I've made. I cannot figure out how to fix this.


  • opengameart.org is great.

  • Thanks a lot! never saw this in my search!

  • So guys, I have looked up but can't seem to find it. How exactly do I make a enemy, which patrols back and forth. Then, when i come within an area it turns and (it stands still) shoots at me. I couldn't seem to figure it out myself. Thanks in advance.

  • I see what you did there and it basically answeres my question. But I do have one more thing that bugs me for the sake of neatness, is there anyway to make it, when it pins, move to a certain point on the sprite? I know I could do it with a move object thing, but I want it to move there regardless of where the player is. Is that even feasibly possible with this engine?

    EDIT: Got it to work! I simply went and said to change the location to origin point of the object. Works like a charm now!

  • I have it assigned to "E" to pin to my little guy. I want to make it so he has to be in a certain radius of it to pick it up, and also have it move into his hand, not just generally follow him. Is that possible?

    EDIT: I have tried to make it when the player is overlapping the item it will pick up, no dice.

  • I'll try this out and let you know. Thanks!