The diabloLikeMov.capx works as follow :
When you click anywhere on the screen (event 1) you set two variables of the collision box of the character to "where you want to go" (xTarget,yTarget).
I also set a 'moving' boolean to true. It's like a flag that means "yeah now you move!"
Basically I use these variable to drive the character.
The event 2 just check if you are close or not to the target. It's to avoid imprecision problems. If you are less than 5px from the target, then stop ('moving' to false)
The hardest part is probably the
event 5 -> Collision: Set position to ....
This event just move the collision sprite a little each tick toward the xTarget,yTarget position.
All the other things are just to change the animation according to the direction of the movement. The "aPref' variable means 'animation prefix' ("B" for Bottom, "T" for Top, "R" for Right and "L" for Left plus 4 combinaison for diagonal movements)
(I updated the diabloLikeMov.capx with some comments)